BPISGO! taporatories inc SYRACUSE 1,NEW YORK August 20, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg c/o Prof. Rubbo - Bacteriology Melbourne University Melbourne, Australia Dear Joshua: Your trip sounds wonderful, It met really help giving a somewhat different and broadened perspective to things we take for granted, We are very much interested in the soil samples on the Islands and would be happy to pay up to one dollar per sample plus mailing expenses. I am enclosing some labels which should be attached to the packages and this will then clear the Plant Quarantine Inspector, We have had samples from foreign lands before and know this is the way they should be shirnved, I would prefer you handle the situation through your contacts, We ordinarily get 10 to 25 goils from each area, After the samples are mailed in if the responsible party will inform me either directly or through you of the mailing charges, we will send him a check covering this plus one dollar per soil sample up to 25, We will be very interested to hear more details of your trip when you get back, With best regards to you and Esther. Sincerely, Lein, /oal Microbiological Research Dept. encls.