507 Eugenia Ave Maiison 5 Wis July 8, 1957 Dear Joe: My letter just crossed your disk. We hope you've been having a refreshing vacation. We're just going over some leaflets on the Great Barrier Reef ourselves— Esther's a little peturbed because there is som hint that the accomodations are 'pramitive', and it's not obvious how much go. I'd like to give some thought to your proposal—— there would be a number of difficulties, but it may have to be considered. But I wouldn't do anything about it till we get back, and whatever time your people can find on it,so much the better. I realize you have to ride herd on the scope of your program, and that's your job; part of my own, I assum, is as a countergoise to that necessity. I'll wait to hear from you on the attribution on the DAP analog; if we don't in time, we'll leave it in, but in such a form that it can be readily deleted in galley proof. Yours, Josma Lederberg