PIStOl tasoratoRies inc. SYRACUSE: NEW YORK May 24, 1957 Dear Josh: It was a real pleasure to learn from Joe that you were going to remain at Wisconsin but as head of a newly established department. I certainly want to congratulate you on this and for the many other fine offers which I understand were made to you. I look forward to seeing you and toasting you more appropri- ately during your next visit with us. Sincerely, Amel R. Menotti Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Madison, Wisconsin ARM/JCK P.S. Since writing this letter, I heard a rumor that you had been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and recently found that that rumor was completely verified. You certainly are to be congratulated on this as it is a rare honor. I will be happy to double the toasting indicated above when we meet again. Ae R. M.