Joshua Lederberg Hadisea, Viseonsin Jane 12, 1956 Fy. Jeserh Leta Bristel Laberateries Ine. Syrecuse, Yew York bear Joe: Taie le just by way of a brief reply te some of your notes dated June Sth. Unfortuantely the sechanism of action of BMD sgar hae been «a prefonad ayetary to us too, in spite of the very extensive 290 wea anke of this mediwe. I thersfere om net sure how I would be able to interpret eny cartieular ontterne of reavense wat if voeeibdle I venld like to have a chamee to see thes if we mansce a sumer visit. It seens to me guite poeelble that you are rumning inte iahibitions of acid formtion and that these could te fairly almply confirmed ty teete in email volumes of liquid media with stendard indlestors. I hed not until recently aporeciated that Jardol really hed aay setentific Basia. If i am gving to de some casual exveriaentation wth “nlerisin, I wonder if I should net also include some of this fabulous sedium isuryl sarcotinate, and if you could poseibly furniah me with a sample I will be hescy to de eo. i am very much interseted in your rewarce on the inhibition of netility vy Seorin and will try sometine to confirm thie particular experiment. It would, for exanp)s, de a matter of very considerable interest to me, aside from the mechanisn of action of the drug, to be able te obtein mutants which are realetast te thie agent. I am somewhat discouraged however by the very high levels thet weuld have to be ewployed. The troubles that you mentioned with sotility avar have setasionelly Aagrened to us, even with the unaltered medium. I think that if 1+ were roseible for you te arrange te ade your supplement te ateriis tubes and thes mix in freehly autoclaved sotility agar and thea wait 26 to 46 Nourse for the tudes te dry sroperly that you might have lees diffieulty. If you think the trouble ie deeoer than thie and could send me 4 sample ef a particularly troublesese broth, i would be very hapoy to look at it, and see how thie compares with our own exveriences. I reesll, for example, that we never were able tc inccrvorats mt-rials Vike nethoes] Late euch median beeause there were acecifie orecivitation effecte, The sain peint that I wanted to clarify in this resvenes, Joe, hae to do with why I think renide might be synergistic with veniclllia. The reeson that 1! wrought ‘eaide up at 21] wee the hint thet it might fuaction in » relative sense as » competitive inhibiter of cenicillinase. If thie is the enee, then Tenide tizht awake pemielliia mere affective in chenotheracy of infeetions by nenleillinase-crodueing, resistant organiems. fhe ishibition of cenieillinsse vould be the main thing thes I would be looking for in the design of this exverinent and this aight be conplstely indevendeant of antiviotic activity of the compound iteelf. As I understand it, the princinal meghaniam of penieillin resistance in naturally occurring orgenians, eeceelally the Stavhylocece!, is the formation of penicillinaee. Therefore { would suggest that act only Fanide Wot ae large 5 variety of cenieillin-reianted coapcunde ne cossible be sersened for their eceeific function in the inhibitien of cenieiliinese. In fsot, this ie something whieh might well be keyed in with your general search for satibletic activity, although the experinents mizht well be designed to vick wp peniecillinase inhibition instead of antibiesis. I had the eane thine in alad in referring to Cevhaleaperin WN ae another cotenti=1 comemund for this curveae. I know fe: J. iein ~2e Fane 12, 1956 of practically ao attempts to sereen for peniolllinace inhibditers along theee lines snd it coes not take mueh imagination te see both the nedteal and eeononic roseibilities of euch a discovery. I vas particnlarly glad to hear that I had misunderstoed the proper channels of your work and thet you have considerable leqway in designing the areas ef your exverimentation, fours singerely, Joebus Wisle