Joemua Lederberg Madisen, Yisconsin Jans 4, 1956 or. Joneph Leta Bvistel Laberatories Ine. Syracuse, Rew York Tear Jeet I was very pleased to hear your extended seeount of parent vork and to ees how eaoothly everything is going both routine and expleratary. fe I don't Rave wery much to add right now excess for a few casual seavente. fepige - I would imagine thie agent would be scest useful act xlcne, in view of ite lew therapeutic activity, but im combination with renicillin. was it over triad on that Basis? I also believe thet Cevtslosporin F has a sintlar agtivity and might be worth looking at. Fimally, do you knew anything of jyanematin, waich I believe is another penicillin derivative? Ie this last material commercially available at the present tinet I vould be interested in getting a enmple of it for triale in comparison with cealeillin for the taduetion of proterlsets ant would aporeciate any information you may nave adout it, T was interested toe in the orogreese of your trials with licese. Here fe another sudstence I an trying to get a handy source of in coansetion with the same project and have the sane request te make of you. Whet have you been using? I dida't quite understand what you menzat about the wiacosity effects of various subatances on the eami-selid agar. le you mean thet the sediwm failed to gel when theee rarticuler bretas were used? itheat ie your trecise regise ina making uo the medium with these brothe? From what you said I wondered {f you have been using » medium of the same ooneiatency that we hava, namely, one which ie quite sclid dy casun] inepection. I would be willing to bet that the major effeet of Actinoayeste broths would be prisarily = matter of oH ae it ie « little pacrd for me te see what elee enn be influencing the rigidity of the ager-gelatin eo rdine- tion, Your comment om the fantastic toxicity of some broths to fish was interesting in the light of a previcus suggestion that you leek into your materiel a8 a roseible replacement for Ratenons io the colacning of lnkes. There may be more of a merket in this area than you had anticipsted. Your reactian to ay suggestions about a virue litter were rather amusing, but I hore you don't give up the idem dompletely. J am aot sure thet it would take an snsyse to accomplish the desired reeult, and my feelings about this carticular arvroseh are that it would be beat follewed up on a ourely eapiriecs! basis once given the imitial fdea. Sines we do have newly available, highly varified preparations of different viruses, why act? T would be interested in some sore details on the effect cf icerin on motility of 2. golf. vid the very high levels of the drug that you had to use ishibit motility without ishibiting the grewth cf the bacteria? If you are intsrented in OF?, you can get eancies from the Edgeworth Areenal Station where the Aruy has been investigating thia tyre of effect. I would euggert you simply write to the Commanding Officer there. fe: J. Leia - 2 «= Jana &, 1956 ia our last visit we discussed possible military apclications of sone of your atrepinie drage. Have you taken this up at all with the Lefenee ievartaentt { would urge that you net nsgleet this varticulsr aprroseh curely from petrioeti¢ sotives. I don't know whet interest your company would have ia the matter, but I would also msypect that the Defence Devartment wewld be interseted is epensoring further develogment work in that type of area under contract and thie te eemething alec worth looking inte. We pax be makiag two tripe this sunner that might interest you, Joe, The first is a possible exoursion enetvard that might make it peasible for us to visit you at Syracuse around the and of July or aicdle of August. If that shoeld tura out, hew would that strike you? What the creciee relevance of the secenc hee for you, I don't know, Joe, but thers te also 4 baasibility that i will ve traveling to Tokyo, Jayna the firet week in Geptenbver as a U.S. wapperted delegate to the Taterastional Genetics Symposium there, If you or Ame] have any comzents to maka on ne trip of thie kind, I'4 be gind to hear than, Thanke fer your qomuents on the yeast activity. Hod vright hes been in touch with Liadegren lately and got what must have been « very sistler recipe and thie hae been rather ueefal. in regard to your anti-glucsees, 1t cceurs to me that if you are going to Randle your teste on a diffusion plate aesay Basia, you wight do fuet as wall to use & straight-forward indieater like bromereeol purple rather than fesin sethylene dius ager for the teat. The reason for thie ts that EBS ager is rather trieky in trying to internret results of uniferely spread plates although it ie the ideal medius when you are trying to detect ssetors of non-fermenting among fermenting oclonies, That's all for now, Se leng, Jouk Tine