507 Eugenia Madison 5, Wis May 3, 1956 Dear Joe: Just a passing thought gleaned on reading an article by Sixkiny Cooper on mechanism of penicillin action in current Bact Rev. He quotea a finding that penicillinanide is considerably more resistant to penicillinase than penicillin itself, Why not sereen for other resistant modifications of peni- llin: E.G.: add a good slug of penicillin to your fermentation broths (I know many actinos are susceptible to it); after the fermentation, add penioillinase and assay product on penicillinsensitive and resistant indicators, The point is that penicillinase is the main basis of resistance in natural populations, and the other advantages of penicillin might well be retained in a penicillinase- resistant conjugate of penicillin; the actinos would simply be screened for their ability to modify penicillin, Most lab--resistant mutants have another mechanism of resistance besides penicillinase, and I would expect cross- resistance here with the hypothetical conjugates. Yra Joshua Lederberg