December 11, 1955 Dr. A. Goureviteh Bristol Laboratories Syracuse 1, N.Y, Dear Alex: I am delighted to see how well the induction procedure has been sharpened up. With a 10-- or higher-fold dncrease in yheld of plaques with 1 ug/al of asaserine, you should certainly be fn a position to screen for comparable agenta. There is no reason you should not proceed with the technique you have worked out. The reason I origihally suggested using 108 cells wm to allow the dilution step that you (for other reasons) prefer to avoid. My reasoning was as Solloms. Induction is a two-stage process 1) the "activation" of the prophage [whatever this means} and 2) the growth of the phage and lysis of the treated cells. Step 1 can be conducted under a variety of coniitions: e.g., with UV even in buffer suspension, but 2) requires that the cells be optimally situated for synthetic processes. I was afraid that you might run into some brotha in which the anti- biotic iteelf, or some othet constituent, would have so mich antibacterial acti- vity that step 2) would be inhibited. I thought that one should separete the activation step 1) by dilution #0 that step 2) would ocour in a noninhibitory broth. This is only a premonition, and no antibiotic might actually work out that way. You will have to decide yourself whether the risk of losing such effects would be worth the added effort of a dilution step. On the other hani, this problem suggests the possibility of looking for still ancther kénd of antibiotic activity,namely for agents that will interfere with step 2) of phage growth. The procedure would be to use cells that had been induced previously with UV (or if you prefer asaserine) and test your broths for the ability to inhibit the expected production of lambda. Streptomycin, 6.g., is known to have this effect (I don't know of any antibiotic, in fact, that does not). I realize that you should not go off in all directions in a soreening program, but if you have developed your procedure for this kind of test, you might want to think about it. It would be of considerable interest, I think, to identify 1) inhibitors of bacterla that do not prevent induction, and 2) probably more exciting, non~bacterial—inhibitors that do prevent phage growth. In addition, the inhibition test would be another check in looking for the more ordinary kinds of antibacterial skbatednces. Let me know if you or Joe wants to discuss this possibility any forsher and I won't elaborate any further now, I ma swsume that your present screening with K-12 is done indepeniently of whether you detect antibacterial activity of the broths. It is too bad you have tke to gurse your cultures at home. Why not set up a clock-controlimbdinrkis that runs cold water through a small thermostated—bath until a given tims, then stops the water and turns on the heat? With an electric interval timer, a solenoid valve, and a relay, it's easily done. Ajternatively older cultures which are diluted 1:5 or 1:10 and regrown should be ready within a couple of hours. The lamda should be diluted either in a balanced salts solution, or preferably ordinary Da&fco nutrient broth, rather than the buffer. Even distikled water would probably give you reasonably clean results. I can't see why plate replications should vary— are these inoculated simltaneously from the same pipette? Weigle says a amall dose of U¥ (say 5 secs of a sterilamp [15Watt]} at 50 cm) given to the sensitive bacteria before they are plated evens out the plaque morpho logy considerably, if such a complication would be worth the trouble to you. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg