August 30, 1955 Dear Joe: fle enjoyed ourselved picking up miscellaneous soil samples during our trip to Colorado. Conceivably you will have received more returns from the distant tourdst traps than the farms near home, but I made 4 point to look for some possibly marginal habitats. Such samples may be very poor, quantitatively, in actinomycetes, but by the same token may be more likely to carry specialised varieties, Is the supply of soils any problem to you? You probably had thought of it al- ready, but you know that State leba. almost everywhere reseive large numbers of soil samples to be tested for pil, nutrient minerals etc., and you probably could woxsk out somes arrangement to get sub-samples, either from the state or from other private testing labs., fertilizer companies, ofc. Climbing up the Rockies, we were of course impressed by the ecological clines in gross vagetation; I wonder if anyone has ever done comparable microbiological studies, In my last record, I neglected to ask if you knew the chesieal stability of asaserine. We had a amall sample « while ago that seemed pretty nective againat HE. coli, and I wondered if it had a reasonable storage life. While I was away, there was some confusion about the cultures I had left instruc- tiona about, to send you; they will be forwarded shortly. Sincerely,