MEMORANDUM BRISTOL LABORATORIES UNIT OF BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY FROM J. Lederberg DATE August 17, 1955 . ¥ § - TO J. Lein SUBJECT _ ew Antibiotics Sereening Program CL. Dear Joe: Let me take up some of the issues in your last communication in order. I am not terribly surprised that agar diffusion techniques prove to be probably unsuitable for routine use. I think they could be made to work but only in the hands of a professionally skilled worker. In the long run you would have to repeat most of your experiments with liquid culture mixtures in any event so there may be little enough point in using the agar diffusion methods. I imagine if the need required it would not take much ingenuity to design an automatic filling machine which would automatically deliver different ratios to input fluids upon setting a dial or some such thing. Ina setup like yours I suppose the human hand is the more appropriate instrument. As far as the general sereening progr-m ia concerned, I can see very few things that we have not already discussed and for which there already has been a decision on one basis or another. I fully sympathize with your problem in having to make decisions often on an expedient basis or even less than that without having very many of the pertinent facts at all but I can't see that you have actually gone very far off any possible path. The only points I would bring up again would be the queries (1) Should one adhere exelusively or primarily to Actinomycetes as the sources of new antibiotics? (2) Whether a mtation program still could not be applied more routinely, beoause while I think your argument that mutations leading to increased production are likely to be on the whole infrequent, it is prebably valid that only experience would reall tell. My suspicion would be that when you start with relatively low yields it should not be extremely difficult to obtain mutants which give moderate performance. I would agree that going from moderate to superior strains represents the most difficult step. If I am not mistaken there was an entirely similar experience in the develepment of penicillin-producing strains. I think it would be worthwhile with any culture which seems to be producing a possibly promising or new antibiotic but in relatively small quantity to do platings along the lines of Kelner's technique to try and look for improved production, even simply as the bade for further preliminary analysis. Of course, a much more exhaustive job would be done whenever you approach the question of routine production, The matter of replating the cultures from the wild in order to separate out the possible heterokaryons would seem to me to be much too important to be by-passed at almost any cost and some of the occasional inconsisteneies in production from one run to another might very well be due to this cause. I would think that as soon as a culture seema to be producing any antiblotic in which you would have any interest it would be worthwhile to replate it and do further studies on two or three reisclated single colonies. fe: J. Lein August 17, 1955 Hew Antibiotics Sereening Progran Gonsultantship Arrangement T wae extremely happy to hear of the sugeessful outcome of your discussions with Bicchenistry on further emphasia on less potent broths since this is perhaps the most obvious vulnerable point for the seareh for new materials, These are eertainly the items which will require the most skill in order to handle and from that point of view are the most likely to have been overlooked by your competitors, In addition one would imagine that there will be relatively few antibiotics of very high potency on first isolation and more of less and less potency and therefore the crean having apparently been more or lese skimmed it is necessary to go into thinner and thinner veins, I would again emphasise the possibility of discovering adjuvant or aceessory anti- biotics, 1.6., compounds which by themselves might have little antibiotic aotivity and not enough to justify marking them alone but which could be extremely important in maintaining the usefulness of other more striking aetivites, This may net be expressed in the normal course of events in terms of simple synergism and I ae not sure what the best methods would be of picking up usefal accessory agents. It might be worthwhile, however, to consider what might be done with more or less reconstruction experiments involving infections with challenges consisting of primarily an organisn sensitive to a primary antibiotic containing a few organiams resistant to it to see whether an accessory antibiotic would have the desired effect of eliminating the last residual resistant organiams. With tuberculosis eapecially this would be an extremely useful and pertinent result sither with etrevtomycin resistance or to a leseer degree with isoniasid resistance, From your previously expreseed interest in combination effects I would judge that you have already given considerable thought in the matter of synergisms. Wow the first proposal that I had made before with regard to accessory antibiotics would not necessarily be reflected in any obvious synergistic effect since the primary anti- biotie would probably be the one whieh is nost readily manifest in in vitro experiments. Synergiema represent the seeond approach and here again, of course, there should be many opportunities for the interaction of two antibiotics which separately sre too weak to be very much good by themselves. I would imagine thet the point at which the nost emphasis should be given to such accessory effeots would be where an antibiotic has proven to be more or less active in in vitro teets, say even in the presence of serum, but which fail when used by themselves in in yivo challenges. In such eases it might be necessary or desirable to go right ahead with mixed therapy without the benefit of very much knowledge of the in yitro interactions, the latter not necessarily being of very great relevence to the therapeutic effects. I was startled and interested by your interest in the seareh for virus-indueing agents om the basis of the asaserine effect. It hadn't occurred to ne that this correlation would be of direct chemotherapeutic interest but of course it is. It is doubtless true that most of the agents that have been successfally used in anti-tumor therapy would have this inducing effeet on lysogenic bacteria, X~rays, nitrogen mustard and asaserine. I have been acquainted with this effect of azsaserine for some time but had forgotten to think of asaserine as an antibiotic croduced by an Actinomycete. I think one should look a little bit at what is behind this correlation and I think the root of it is some fundamental common basis of mutagenic or more aceurately so-called radiomynetic activity, that is to say, all of the agents that I have enumerated very closely resemble X-radiation - their biological effects. To the compounds indicated fo: J. Lein Auguat 17, 1955 New Antibiotics Sereening Program - Coneultantship Arrangement one can add such common agente as formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and in fact I think there are reasonably good grounds for believing that hydrogen peroxide is a key media in many of the other radlomynetic effeotse of chemicals and of radiation in particular. IT have some notions of my own about what the next step in this correlation ig. I have the feeling that the one thing that is common te most of the radiomynetic agents is that they are potentially powerful alkalating agents, that they are capable of substituting on free amino or carboxyl groups under physiological conditions. I think even the peroxide ean fit into the picture if one recalls that in the first place hydrogen peroxide forme complexes with many organic compounds which have reactive hydrogen and that these organic peroxides in turn can function as alkalating agente. In this connection you might be interested to know that such familiar alkalating agents as acetic anhydride, acetyl chloride, dimethyl] sulfate and ethylene oxide also have radiomynetio effeets in other test systens, @.g., chromosome breakage and in the induced breakdown of diploids in Escherichia coli. You will see something about this in table 10 im our paver in the 1951 Celd Spring Harbor Symposium and rather more recently in «a paver that I think you will very much want te see ~ I believe this is a review by Levelese in either volume 1 or volume 2, probably volume 2, of ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH. Levelese there has reviewed what is common in the chemical reactivity of a variety of carcinogenic, mutagenic and anticareinogeniec agents. Now not all of the agents indicated have heen tested on the lysogenic system bat there are already so many parallels that I would be willing to bet that practically any compound or agent which is mutagenic in this way and which breaks chromosomes and breaks down dipleide of Bagherichia coli is going to be found to be an inducing agent provided its toxic effeete:on the bacteria do not already override any possibility of this lysogenic induetion. Therefore on this basis the search for compounds with indueing aetivity would he equivalent te a search for powerful, natural, mutagenic agents and I believe it has been shewn that azaserine already falls into this category (Demerec). What may be unique about these antibiotias that distinguishes them from such destructive chemicals ae ascetic acid anhydride and acetyl chloride is that they are relatively stable in aqueous solution so that they have some possibility of entering the target cell that you are aiming at. Precisely why so many radiomynetic agents should in fact prove to have anti-tuaor activity ia not at all clear any more than what is certain why I~rays do have sone differential effect on tumor tissue, presumably thie is all bound up with the question of rates of growth and the like which distinguish tumor tissue from other cells. There may be also problems of differential penetration which will be one of the few points of aeceas to differential tumor chemotherapy. I think the question of sereening for anti-tumor agents on this basis then perhaps reduces to what is the most effective method of looking for agents with radiomynetic aetivity. WM I were working in « research laboratory primarily, I would think that the breakdown of diploids would be one of the pest systems for examining antibiotics from this point of view and you would get results along the lines of table 10 that I referred to in the Cold Spring Harbor Syeposiun. I regret to say that these diploids are so hard te handle that there is really no poesibility of adapting them to routine use in thie way. However, inatead of diploids of Escherichia eoli it might be possible to work up techniques based on the breakdown of diploid heterocycles in other organisms, especially yeast. Here again, there may be many technical problems in working out the nature of the effects of the killing agent, but the handling of the yeast culture itself would be very much less of a problem. I think for the moment that this approach, this use of a test for genetic effects, is something fo: J. Lein August 17, 1955 Hew Antibiotics Sereening Program - Consultantship Arrangement that ought to be thought about in the long run but is a leng ways from being anywhere near ready for routine application, Any teet of this Kind is bound to mean much nore attention to the antibiotic effeete of your reagent than you are likely to want to give in a routine preliminary screening program. These are thinga that you might de on an intermediate level before going on to test your material, let's say on an Ascites tumor situation. fhat leaves now the question of whet other systems would be most appropriate for looking for this kind of activity. Another system that would be poasible would be one which involves teeting for active mutagenie potency and some of Demerec's fundamentally rather sloppy but etill workable assay systems, for exemple, the induced reversion from SD to SR again might be applicable in a research laboratory atmoephere but I wonld ehudder to think of having to set up such a program on a routine basis. I think that the possibility of lyscgenic induction as a screening technique does deserve cleser coneideration. I think it is possibly the one which is most likely to be readily useable which ia the least likely to be misinterpreted in the details of ite results but again it 1s going to require a lot of attention in trying to set it up on a routine basis. Now you are quite right thet almost the only way of leoking for effects of thia kind is going to be to leok fer the preduetion of phage rather than for the greas destruction of the lysogenic bacterium. One might hope that one could get a differential on that basis and that is the reason that I gave you the strains but you would be beund to miss many reagents as you already know that you would if you relied on an observable difference in the survival of LP+ as compared to LPS bacteria. You are quite right too in supposing that the normal untreated lysogenic strain is going te produce phage without the intervention of some inducing agent. However, there ought to be and there is as a rule a very sharp distinction between the amount of phage which is produced spontaneously and the amount which is produced under the influence of a euitable indueing agent. How one will have to pay some attention to detail on this because in order to get effective induction it is necessary that the cells being treated, until the time to which the material is added, be in optimal physiclegical condition and you are also going to have to work out some more or less @mi-quantitative way of meaeuring the phage that is produced in the vresence of an antibiotic, That means of course that you are going to hava to do these tests for this particular purpose to begin with in a liquid medium. I think the quantitative assay does not nesessarily present too many problems because one can fairly easily set up a leepful dilution type of technique which will get around that question, that is to say, you might use a routine along the following lines, grow your bacteria in broth, use them at leg phase, that is to say, add the antibiotisa to them and make sure they are being adequately aernted during the time that the anti- biotie is working, say some 2, 3 or 4 hours later take a loopful of the LP+ bacteria and antibiotie mixture and dilute that in a ee of water and then take a leepful of that and spread it on a etrevtomycin-resistant indicator. We have found that EMB agar without sugar but with peptone is one of the better tyves of media to use for the detection of plaques of lambda. They show up rather more sharply I think than they do on straight nutrient agar - that is a straight surface plate technique that you can use. Now in order to use this method you will have to have a streptomycin-reaistant mteant of a lambda-sensitive atrain. I ses no reason at all that the W148§ strain could not be directly adapted — I'm not sure off hand whether or not we have a W1485 streptomycin-resistant stant of our own, If we do, I will gladly send it to you. Another stock that you could use would be strain C or some stocks fo: J. Lein August 17, 1955 Yew Antibioties Sereening Program ~ Consultantship Arrangenent related to it. There may be some advantages to thie. I will arrange to send you a few different leaabda-sensitive atrains that you can leck at yourself and see which one of them would be the beet indiaator for your purposes. I think you may have to prepare your own etreptomycin-resistant mutants of each of these but that is routine and shouldn't hold you up fer very long. I just don't think that we have very wany of them. At any rate the ona that I will send you next will include strain ¢ and another one that we may already have that ia streptomycin-resistant which is sensitive to lambda. Dees this kind of a protocol seem too difficult to be worthwhile fer your purposes? I ado not see many ways in which it can be simplified and you are going to have to work out «2 few of the details with known agents like azaserine or nitrogen mustard or ultraviolet light in order to see exactly how it is wing to go. One alternatively could use differential quantitative measurements of killing of lysogenic as against sensitive bacteria but on the whole I think that would be less reliable than would be the production of phage. The reason would be that if even only 15% of the bacteria are lysed that represents a very large output of phage as compared to the normal situation whereaa that redueotion in viable titer would not mean a great deal at all. De you think I have given you enough detail on the probable method? This is something that I am sure you have pretty well thought out for yourself. I think rather than try to gpell the whole thing out for you I'll give it to you ae a form and then if you want to try it you san come up with thie or that question and we'll de our best to help you out. I think you conld get started right now with your W1485 strain and I will see about digging up some of these others, In the meantime I will give the matter some more thought myself and see if I can imagine the way of getting at the question. On the whole though, I think the use of a streptomycin-resistant indicative strain on a etreptomycin medium would be the best approash to leeking for the croduction of lambda. I think tee that there is little question that the lambda system is perhaps the beat for doing this tyne of work. There are many other indusible bacteria; you could probably pick up any of them. I think there is snough generality in the effect of mutagenic agents on different organisma that there would not be a great deal of point in spreading your effort over too wide a wariety ef responding organisms. This is rather a different situation, I think, from the usual modes of antibiotie agtivity. fhis itself may be something of a hint because I think it would be reasonable then to suppose that most any antibiotic with a narrow speotrum of activity among the bacteria is not going to be a likely candidate for this sort of work whereas those antibiotics that have seme effect on a wariety of organiems are those which ara most likely to work. That just now led me to another suggestion. Another teehnique of lesking for such differential effects may in fact be at least as good as any of these, and that is taking advantage of the rather remarkable differential insensitivity to radiation of strain B and strain B/r. Wow as you probably know this differential is not unique to UV light and to X-ray# but to some unknewn mechanism appears to apply also to other kinds of radiomynetic agents so I think that one might give some attention te the very simple possibility of comparing strain B and B/r,and any antibiotic which differentiates seriously between them would be a likely candidate as a radiomynetic agent. I don't know off hand whether asaserine has been tested directly -- I would To: J. Lein August 17, 1955 New Antibiotics Sereening Program Consultantship Arrangement ve willing to predict that there would be a significant differential between the two. Wo one knows what the basic mechanism ia for this difference in sensitivity. This in turn has led te another thought that might be quite apropo to this kind ef analysis, and that is a comparison of the survivorship of hapleid as against diploid yeast. Since there are quite remarkable differences in the susceptibility of strains of yeast of different ploidy to radiomynetic agents, particularly UV and X-rays, I would assume without knowing it to be a fact that the same is likely to be true with other agents, De you happen to know whether asaserine is active on yeast? If you tell me that it is et all I will be glad to dig up some haploid and diploid yeast strains for you and you may want to see for yourself if there is a differential in killing aetivity. One point about almost all of these tests is that they are going neeessarily to invelve some sort of semi-quantitative procedure in liquid medium because none of the effects are going to be all or no inhibition or bactericidal effect such as you have been aceustomed to seeing with ordinary antibiotic activity. Let me know if any one ef these approsehes seems interesting enough to you that you want to pursue it further and I will do my best to dig up the material. I can, I think, send you stocks of B and B/r or very closely related derivatives of them. I haven't retested these myself for their differential response to irradiation. You cen get, of course, the basic data on them from Dr, Bwelyn Witkin at Cold Soring Harbor if you want. T am not sure that hey haven't been working with this particular problem for quite some time and I am really not at all sure whether they could heir you a great deal further on their specific properties, One of these methods certainly should be suitable for what you are ultimately aiming at here. To turn to ancthr question, I certainly did make a bad guess as to what you intended to use these coli strains for. I am a little surprised that you presented the poseibility of biological protection to cover antibiotic @mporession of enterie formula simply as a promotional stunt and I really wonder if this is what you think of it. It seeme to ne that you are touching here on some of the most subtle.and nost important preblems of host- parasite relationships, and I would certainly encourses you to go en in this direetion and would lend every effort I could to help, vrovided that it was clearly understood that there are some very serious problems involved here that are going to take a good deal of experimental werk before they can have any hope of use. Against that should be measured, I think, the great imcortanee that this approach would have. I don't know why you should think that this is so absolutely silly. Inthe first place, behind this notion is a considerable tradition of bacteriological therapy which had as one ef its poorer expressions, for example, the fad of drinking Lactobacillus ris milk some while azo. In the German literature of the 20's and 30'a there is «2 good deal to be said about so-called "eoli therapy", the fundamental reasoning of whieh was quite similar to what you have in mind as a cover for antibiotie suppression of other organisms although of course the practical situation wes a little different. In facet, a couple of years ago I talked to Dr. Finland at Massachusetts General Hospital about juet this possibility -- it's one that had ceourred to him toe. This was just at the time when he was first describing these very serious Staphylococcal enteritides that follewed upon Aureomycia administration and of course the first point that he would bring up was just how dangerous an experiment it would be to introduce any new organiem into an unknown situation. Deepite those reservations, they're ones which you have expressed yourself of course, it seers to me that there is some vary important worthwhile work that needs to be done here and that an important adjuvant to antibiotic therapy of the gut is going to be replacement with suitable healthy so-called flora when they questiom however whether there is such fo: J. Lein August 17, 1955 Wew Antibioties Sereening Program - Consultantehip Arrangement a thing as a healthy flera but it may not turn out that each individual will have his own range of microfloral adaptatione. Thies is something that will require a great deal of experiment. Frankly I don't think that your approach is geing to work; I think that using a purineless mutant is not going to be the answer. If I am not miataken it has been pretty well shown by the wofk of Burrows and Bacon that the reason that purineless mutants of the Salmonellas are relatively non-pathogenic is precisely peeause they failed to grow sufficiently in the habitat into which they are introduced unless artificial growth faetor supplements are administered to the animals as well. New if your're going to give purine along with purineless bacteria I think you might as well give up that partiamlar bleck in the first place. I think too that net many physicians are going to be convinced by a purely apriori argument that purineless organisms under any circumstances are really likely to be lees virulent than the normal. There are some very serious questions as to what one should consider as the nevmal flora and perhaps as a firet approaeh in experimental animis I weuald use for administration and prevention of overriding infections thet flera which does reourr in organiame which heve been chronically treated with drugs like Aurtomyein, but which animals have remained healthy. ! am not proposing giving Staphyloeocel, Candida, Proteuses etc. The organisms I think should be repurified and studied to cet some sort ef exvectation of their later behavior when they are reinoculated. $0 I don't think that this is a silly idea, Joe, not at all, but I do think it's not something thet one ean afford te go into lightly. [I have every hope thet you have the facilities to be able to do a proper atudy of it since I don't think that anyone else is doing very much along theese lines. Of course one place one would hone to have gotten information on this queation would be from the germ—free animal studies of Renier's group at Notre Dame. I have had oceasion to leek over that work again lately; the performance so far hae been very little beyond the technicsl accomplishment of maintaining animals in germ-free condition. They give hinte of experiments that they are going te do on rure culture inoculating germfree animals but in fact very little is done about it. A person who might be able te give you some information on these effeets would be Mortimer Star (at the Department of Bacteriology at the University of California) Davis - he was interested although he was primarily a plant vcathogenie bacteriologist. He was interested for awhile in the growth estimating effeats of antibiotics and felt sure that their modification of intestinal flora waa an important part of it. At any rate he did notiee that after the administration of streptomyein to turkeys there was an eventual reourrence of streptomycin-resistant coliforms and that when this finally happened his growth-stimulating effeetsa ceased. I think he may have had a note or two about this in the Bactearielogical Proceedings but I'm not sure. You may be interested in a case that happened here in our department. fhe baby girl of one of our assistant professors came home from the hospital with what eventually proved to be a pure gulture of Serratia marcescens in her gut. No other organism could be isolated at first for «a peried of about two weeke. After she began to ze on a diet of non-sterile light foods she eventually picked up some coliform as well. She is still excreting this Serratia. I'll be glad te send you a eulture of this organism if it would have some interest for you as an organiem that could readily be followed in artificial infection experiments -long these lines. There is at least the justification that in one instance it had no pathogenic effects whatsoever. I think you may find some resistance among pediatricians to the administration of a chromogenic organiam. I know that this particular family was alarmed because of the red diapers for a period of some time, This question is one that I'm really quite interested in myself, Joe, and wish there were an opportunity to do mere research on. To: J. Lein. August 17, 1955 New Antibiotics Screening Program ~ Consultantship Arrangement There ought to be better facilities for germfree researeh and maybe something eventually is going to be done about it at institutions other than Notre Dama. That about ties up these main points. The only thing that I want to add now, Joe, is a note that you may or may not have seen in an issue of WATURE, July 16, 1955, Pe 121, There is = paver by Simonti and Simonti on genetic recombination in Strevtonyces. They worked with a strain of Streptomyces coelicolor, and they have about the same category of evidence as was represented in the firet paper in NATURE by Tatum and myself on FE, goli. Obviously as a result of thie Gallen, Bradley and I are going to have to reevaluate our own position in thie work and we're going to have to diseuss this somewhat with you. The main thing that I would have been concerned abovt in freely discuseing our work wag that I did mot want to get any information from you which had to be held confidential and I did not want to have a purely one-sided discussion on work of this kind. I will just leave it at that, Joe, and if you can see any reasonable common grounds that we can meet on to talk about the genetics of Actinomycetes I'1) be glad to reopen the question. Hewever, as long as we were direotly occupied with this work ourselves it would do us, I think, a good deal of harm to be influenced by information which was not publialy available. Esther and I are taking about 10 days off on a trip to Colorade and for that reason there may be some delay in your receiving some of the eultures that I promised although I left instructions behind for then. I will be back just before the end of the month. I've just learned that we are going to have our laboratory remodeled sometine during the fall semester and if that is the case there may be a very suitable cecasion for me to take off and pay you ancther visit in Syracuse some time in October or November or early December if that would suit your plans as well. Let's leave that open for the time being but I thought I would just mention it to you. Probably by the time this has been assimilated we will have gotten back from Madison and I will weit to hear from you again. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg /J1e