LiEMORANDU.A BRISTOL LABORATORIES UNIT OF BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY J. Lederberg March 21, 1955 FROM _ ee DATE__._. J, Lein New Antibiotics Screening Program - TO SUBJECT._Consultantship Arrangement =. CC. Hi Joe, Thanks very much for sending me the account of your general screening progran. I can see I have quite a job cut out ahead of me if you really exvect me to bring up anything that might lead to any substantial improvement. I just wanted to gay now that I have listened to your account once and before I go into very much detail I would like a few more days in which to mull things over as I'm sure you'd like to have more than an off-the-cuff response. I might say that my general reaction was extremely favorable, I might say almost enthusiastic. In fact, I would almoet be led to think that the one outfit, which apparently has thought to vrovide iteelf with outside genetic consultation, is perhaps already so well oriented with the desirability of it and with the fundamental aporoachers that might be added there that it may not need it. I'll do my best to earn my way with you, Joe, but I, frankly, con't exvect that I will be able to add a great deal to what you have already laid out. If I can think of particular things or generalities I will make notes on them and record them as they go along and I undoubtedly will have somewhat more detailed comments on this last, particular record, I wae quite struck however curing listening to your last record that oractically every comment that I began to formate in my own mind as you went along merely anticipated what you were going to go into yourself. I do agree that the type of -poroach which Kilner firet made use of -- I might say I was a little esurorised that he had the initiative to go into it as far as he did'and then disappointed that he didn't carry it a little bit further, but it would seem to me that that would indeed ve a highly promising type of affair but the important point will be to try to eatablish methods that are as efficient as possible for the detection of the widest variety of the accumulating tyve of variant. I approach this whole question of antibiotic screening with the question in the back of my mind, "just what are antibiotics?" and I was very pleased that you yourself vrourht that up. I can see that you have been giving, of course, your concentrated attention to this whole field for a number of years whereas my interest in it so far has been highly casual and it may take quite a bit of time before I can catch up with you in any particular area, not to mention the whole concent of what you are doing. Your report did give me a very clear idea of what your general approach is and I don't think there will be any general statements that will need to be amplified although I may want to go into some of the very particular details. One comment about this technique of going about things, you will vrobably set from me a combination of written and spoken mterial. ‘when there is something that needs to be outlined, the structure of which has to be seen at once, it is, of course, much better on naver than it is on a dictation. On the other hand, I do think that using the records crovides « much more intimate touch and enables one to digress somewhat on things that are too fleeting sometimes to put down on nacer and I think that with To: J. Llein March 21, 1955 New Antibiotics Screening « Coneultentshiv Arrangement m little oractice we ~y find that 2 combinaticn of the spoken and the written word will be much more effective. Technically, your record is, I think, ocuite satisfactory althouzh I think it could be imoroved slientiy if you would apeak more loudly, or rather sveak more closely to the microvhone itself. If you make some records of your own you might commare them with the one that I have here. Otherwise there may be something defective with your machine because I know it is canable of producing a higher fidelity than tne record that I have received, although it wae quite adecuate. The recording that I am sending you now is not, to use that unhavpy metarhore, up-to-scratch itself because we have been using in the decartment resurfaced records, that is, once the records have been used once they can de sent to the service outlet and have a new surface out on but these records are often not quite as smooth as the new ones. I think you'll have no trouble whatever in getting my langusze here however. I think then that with the simple comment that off~hand I did not find very much that one could obviously improve upon and that I want to let the matter run around in my head for awhile, so to aneak, that I won't say anymore at the cresent time so this is essentially an acknowledgement of your first assignment and I want to tell you that I am giving it ae much consideration as I have time for. [t hanoens to be a rather busy couple of weeks because I have a meeting comine up in Washington which however will be over with by the end of the week and I will be able to rive closer immediate attention to this stuff. There is one carticular thing that I would like to ask you sbout on the experimental Drogram and that is that you mentioned that you sre using Actinomyces which have no evident activity to start with. Since there are vcrobably two functions which one hae to consider for the efficiency of antibiotic production by an Actinomycete I wonder if this is necessarily the only choice that might be made. The two functions that I have in minc are first the metabolic canability of accumulating 2 given metabolite which, for the purposes of agreevent with you on the general function of antibtotics is what I will consider a petential antibiotic to be. The other ia the ability to excrete this into the medium in very large amounts, And it seene to me conceivable that the processes of selection by means of which the most efficient croducers of antiblotics have been obtained might have not only some snecial attribute with regard to that srecific antibiotic but Sleo the more generalized one of hich incidences of metabolic metabolite accumulation and excretion into the medium. Now to cut it in other temra, the point of view of tne artificial selection which one ugea on Streptomyces strains, some of the so-to-espesk adaptation of the strain miznt be highly svseific and directed toward that particular antibiotic and in fact might be maladacted with reavect ta any cther metabolite. On the other hand, some of that so-toesvenk adaptation might be more generalized. what I mean in more concrete terms ie that conceivably or, at least as an alternative possibility, one might for such a screening program use not an organiem with an indifferent caveacity to nroduce sny antibiotic but one which has already been selected for a moderate-to- high cavacity to croduce one acecific antibiotic already. Then by using a test organism which waa resistant to that first antidictic, one would be in «an sdvantageous orocedure for selecting alternatives. This may have © ueever meaning than the one I nave alreacy oresented. There hec been, for example, considerable attention given to the vossibility of finding derivative streptomycine which would not show such strons Tos J. Lein March 21, 1955 Rew antibiotics Screening - Coneultantshio Arrangement croge-reeiatance to strectomycin itself and you face the same situation as between tetracycline and ita chlorinatedand hydroxylated derivatives. And I have wondered it it would not be a feasible approach to look for the specific modification, the evecific biological modification of there metabolites os a starting point for new antiblotics, namely, by using good high-produeing straing for a given antibiotic in attemting to croduce derivatives from it whicn would be effective against bacterial mutants which were reaistent against the originel. dJuet to be sure that I have made myself clear, what I would mean is thet one would take the highest sroducing strein now eveilable or perhape nearly the highest, say for satrestomycin, and look for variante of this strain which will have some activity aeainst some of e number of atrentonycin-resistant mutants, let us say of B. subtilis or of anything eles. There is the possibility that one would be getting = specific dirsetion of selection for antiblotics by finding apecific metabolic modifications of streptomycin which would in some way be able to surmount the barrier of genetic resistance. By itself, this would of course by a very considerable contribution. yell, you will hear directly from me again as soon as I have had some better opportunity to assimilate what I have hera. I did want to give tnat varticular suggestion just ae a teat sample to see if thet is the kind of thing that you sre looking for because [ am still go struck by the adequacy of ths anprosch that you have already given that I hardly know in what way I will be able to contribute. Well, so long now. Josh TLimjl