BRISTOL LABORATORIES 1 N © O R P OR ATE OD SYRACUSE 1, NEW YORK February 25, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh? I guess everything is just about settled. Your suggestion for the $50 monthly retainer plus other charges is accepted. Also we are starting our new antibiotics screening program in full gear again and since this is an area where observation of techniques and cultures is not particularly important I would suggest starting the consultantship in March with your evaluating this program as we set it up. I will get an Edison Volice-Writer and describe to you via records our screening philosophy and the steps we have taken to implement te I would like to emphasize to you that we are not sensitive about criticism and you need not be tactful in expressing your thoughts. We are interested in 8 frank evaluation of what we are doing and also any ideas that you have on the subject that we may have overlooked. We are all looking forward to a pleasant and possibly fruitful association. As soon as you give me the word I will start the wheels turning. ~ Sincerely yours, At A BRISTOL LABORATORIES INC. Joseph Lein, Director Microbiological Research JLimjl