February 21, 1955 Dr. Joseph Lein Director, Microbiological Research Bristol Laboratories Syracuse 1, N.Y. Rear Joe: Thank you for your letter of the 18th. It restates very well our conversation and my ow letter of ths llth; the areas of concordance may be taken as settled. f have 3 wugseation to reconcile our views on the basis of compen- sation (2) amd exclusive consuléhtion (2). DT had thocikccth thought that 2 strictly per diem arrangement might be incompatible with (3), since it might turn out that you really had no work for me, but I would be barred from consulting with another ovtfit. I assume in any event that the contractual bar would ife only for the term of the contract. My suggestion is that I take a monthly retainer of, say, $50 (or any other amcunt you think reasonable) cs the busia of (3). My actual work would still be charged at $100 per diem, as outlined fn my letter. This fee would be oayable monthly; the retciner for that month would be eredited against the fee, if any. This would retain the advantage that + would not have to keep accounts on trivial details (like your phone cull on microscople equipaent, or brief consulting vielts from you} that “ould not ald up to a substantial figure. it would vlso enuure thal,aside from she mers ov less nucinal retainer, T earned ay way for yuu, on the one hand, and did not take too muuch time from my other responsibilities on the other, Tama little sorry about your (4), as I probably will not b2 able to manage this visit before mid-May, three months off. I can see your point; however, if you change your mind and want to get started sconer, I will be amenable to it. Thank you for your note about Br. Tepperman. I certainly will gst in touch with hin, Yours sincerely, i) CLI de AMesniia taderberg / fo, cm.