Retired February 11, 1955 Memorandum: To Dr. J, Lein Dear Joe: I thought I would just summarize som points of our gonversation i oses some pagt night, while they oxpitct ete afrean dy hub ads consistent. +. Consultantship: I proposed, for your consideration, to consult on whatever problems you brought up for the next year, but to do most of this work at home. I would try to visit your labs. this spring; we would have to work out any future visits as the time indicated. The only areas that would be excluded would be those directly connected with the research now going on in our laboratory, and which has not yet been published. My fees would be payable monthly, as payment for the "reports" made; I would base the fees on a per diem rate of $100 ifor work at homey’ proratable in units of one hour or fraction thereof; for work or visits at Bristol, proratable per diem. } I would of course hold confidential ang information, labelled as such, received from your laboratory. I would consult with you before making my consulting arrangements, if any, with any competing company.{I would not be barred from any publication, so lang as I did not quote confidential data received from you, nor would I be obliged to submit any ma. for clearance. cueX } bil ET XARA EXE REX LAX TRE BBXERE XE EY) the absence of any restriction on future empkoyment by other parties, where again, I should not use confidential data received from you, but could hardly ignore any of my own general WErgebniese".) I see that mich of this was actually coverei in your letter of Jan. 17. 2. I mantioned Miss. Fthelyn 2. Lively (now at Bact., U/DL1, Urbana, in Sphegelman's lab. In addition to her experience at micromanipulation, she also did the cytology mentioned in our paper in the 1951 C.S.H. Symposiun. 3. I also asked, and would be vary grateful, for any leads on literature on any form of acquired tolerance to drugs, etc., in animals. il already have this for narcotics and barbiturates; except for Mohanty's paper on methoniums in Nature last July 24, virtually nothing else]. In case you might be interested, I am enclosing a chapter outline of our book; any suggestions will be quite welcome. (We ake already contracted for publica-— tion). 4. Iam also enclosing a blank "Voicewriter" disk to illustrate its con vendence, if you are not already acquainted with it. 5» Final enclosure, a reprint that may interest you. Yours sincerely. Joshua Lederberg