Jamery 20, 1955 Dr. Joseph Lein, Director Microbiolocical Research Bristol Laboratories Syracuse 1, New York Dear Joe: Thank you for yours of the 17th, I appreciate the interest and trouble you have taken in considering the consultantship arrangement, and your perspective in suggesting a possible basis for it, Unfortunately, I do not see where I can find the time to make another trip away from Madison in the near future. Is there any way that I could be of service to you before arranging such a trip? Quite aside from the consulting fees, I would be suite inter- ested in learning myself how microbial genetics could be put to more use in industrial application. However, the more of that kind of work I can continue to do at home, the less disruption would resnlt to my principle research and teaching obligations, Do you yourself contemplate any trips i this neighborhood in the near future? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics