Tel. 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia April 9, 1963 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA VIA SANT'EPIFANIO, 14 Stanford University PAVIA Medical Center Department of Genetics Palo Alto, Calif, Dear Joshua, this is to answer toyour letter of April the end. I really forgot to collect the available data on tetracycline phosphate. I will do it just after Easter and mail to you everything before the end of this month. Our joint projects seem to proceed now sati- sfactorily. 1) 3 F metilmethionine for trying to introduce CF, in position 6 of tetracyclines has been produced by Dr. Testa and we are now starting the biological work, 2) F- Dap. Testa has practically done the complete synthesis but he got some trouble to go from the F pimelic acid to the F - Dap. We got only so far a couple of intermediate which were supplied to us immediately after having being synthesized be- cause of their instability and they proved to be slightly effective (5-10 \/m1). All the bunch of intermediates will be given to us together with the final product, I hope in a month or go. 3) Fluoropoiesis. We had some difficulties for the physical set up which haw been now overcome. The apparatus has now been wor- king in reconstruction experiments (without F derivatives) for 26 about two weeks. Still the conditions of operation are not the optimal ones, Little by little we are avoiding all the troubles (explosions, loss of pressure, suddenty increase of pression in critical moments ecc.). In spite of this dif- ficulties, aminated product, an aminoacid and probably also Some cyclic derivatives have been already produced. We plan to do the first flucoropoiesis, the latest, before the end of this month, AS ever, Yours . Coe fee TU te tte G.E, Magni