February 3, 1960 Dear Luca: { hope the enclosed Statements meet your requirements. 1 have also sent one for June so you will heve plenty of time. Finally got home ofter a feirly routine trip -- my slabe from London wes grounded in Boston a/c fog in New York, but eventually menaged to get a connection te LA and Sf&f&, Next time, Fsther and ! hope we will be able to see more pf you. Have you been able to start on the fluorinaticns? | Found a two- vulume monoyraph, edited by J. H. Simons, ''Fluorine Chemistry'’, Academic Fress, 15%, to be very informative. Direct Fluorinetion may be quite feasible, especially by ka electrulysis in the presence of HF, Joe Lein, from Bristol, visited us last night on his way home from Tokyo. Bristol Is setting up a research corporation in Japen which seems very much Vike Interist. t think they would be very much interested to dc the same in Italy. 1% had to teil him that 1 did not think you at Pavia were upen to this, In view of your present connectlons, but that |! would kees my eyes open for any possibility, elther with you or with any other groups in Italy. If you have any views or sugyestions, }2t me know <- it might be veluable to keep this in mind when the time comes for your renewal. i suppose we should start thinking of making more concrete arrangements for your visit, perhaps at least for your visa. Should @ épply again for an Hel vvhed& we see you in April we can discuss all this and there should be plenty of time still. . / DEY PE o—