23,029 ; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica ~ Pavia Telefoni : December 23rd, 1959 Professor J, Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Stanford Medical Center ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA VIA SANT’EPIFANIO, 14 PAVIA Stanford, Calif. Dear Professor Lederberg, I wish to confirm to you the terms of the agreement we have reached on a pyeliminary basis in our talks at Stanford last November. I have been authorized in my capacity as one of the directors of the research group working at the Istituto di Genetica, Pavia Uni- versity, for the International Institute for Scientific Research (Interist) , to take with you the following agreements: 1) that you will act as Consultant of the Research Group working for Interist, in the Genetics Department of Pavia University, and will receive for this a yearly fee of $ 4,000, payable in advance twice yearly ($ 2,000 each time), You are not requested to carry out experimental work but merely $o give advice on current research projects, and if feasible, to suggest lines of research fitting our needs and possibilities, according to the agreement between Interist and us, which is herewith enclosed, 2) Your contacts with the holders of Interist will take place, if requested from either side, only through our intermediary. 3) Should there be the need for you or one of the researchers of the Pavia Research Group to cross the Atlantic for consultation purposes and exchange of ideas, then a fund will be made available for this purpose up to § 2,000 a year. In this case, the travel expenses will be reim- bursed to you and a daily cost living allowance opnted to you, while the researchers of the Pavia Group will be entitled only to the reimbursement of the travel expenses. 4) In the event you should suggest research plans which could not be wholly developed in the frame of the financial programme of the Pavia Group, then a special budget will be in each case examined and discussed by us with the holders of Interist. 5) For all events concerning secrecy or implying patent regulations on the work carried on by our group it is understood that you accept the agreement herewith enclosed between Interist and our group. Paragraph 13 of the mentioned agreement does not apply to your person, o/ « \ Page 2. Letter to Prof.J.Lederberg,December 23rd,1959 6) The agreement will be effective starting with January lst, 1960 and last until December 31st, 1961. It can be renewed if mutually agreed. With my best regards. Yours sincerely, ioe Giovanni E, Magnt? copies to: Scherico Inc.,Bloomfield, N.J.,USA Lepetit SpA, Milano, Italy DEC 28 1959