SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY. STANFORD. CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JosePu D. GRANT PROFESSOR March 27 , 1978 V OF GENETICS Dr. Roger M. Herriott Department of Biochemistry The Johns Hopkins University 615 North Wolfe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Dear Roger: I was very grateful to you for your letter and recollections of February 28th. I was amused at your recalling Max reading the paper. Jim Watson used to do the same thing to others later on, with the additional provocation of holding it upside down. If it would help jog your memory for still more detail, I would urge you to think about writing up an account of this history. The fact is that I am not aware that anything whatever has been written about those Cold Spring Harbor Symposia. You made one remark about Ed Tatum, that I wonder if you can illuminate as a point of fact. Was it that Ed was absent from the meeting or that he was present but chose hot to speak up? If the latter, I suspect he was just giving me the opportunity to take that responsibility feeling quite comfortable that I would be able to handle it. Certainly that was very much his style! I certainly have no recollection myself of any sense of abandonment. But anyhow I wonder if you can remember what the actual circumstance was. If you could go back to the published volume I wonder if it is even possible for you to remember which day of that week our presentation came. I just can't recall even what the other papers were although I believe that A/. Hershey talked about recombination in phage early in the week and this was one of the reasons we were pleased to have an opportunity to tell this story. Once again, my thanks. Yours sincerely, JL/gel vu Lp pe 12H