August 17, 1960 Mr. Eugene Sarfield institute for Scientific Information lee Spring Garden Street Philadeiphia 23, Pennsylvania Dear Sene: Yours of 13th Just received. _ Congratulations on your exams. Do you write a thesis now? Or Is this done. No objection to using my 29th either to USAF or Kay Wilson. Tukey was very pleased at Idea of Genetics as starter for SCt. I will be happy to join the Board of NDC as a non-profit organization. Your reasonIng about Its connections with §S3 sounds plausible. | would try to keep SCI a non-profit venture under NDC, as long as this works. But If you keep running Into viscosity In Washington, §St would be a second String to your bow. P.S. i'd be amusad to hear CA's resction to your offer.