February 14, 1955 Dr. Alan Qesaa Carnegie Institution Cold Spring Harbor, L.%.,N.Y. Dear Alans You wrote me somthing a while ago about sending ams. I haven't received it so far, ani hope it isn't lost in the mails. Ag I wrate you earlier, I am anxious to know exaotly what you planned to accomplish in your projected fellowship here. I wish I had an early oppor- tunity to discuss it with you first hand, but unfortunately do not right now. However, Dr. Larry Morse will be in New York this week. I would urge you to try to get in touch with him, and discuss your plans with hia. Larry has just finished his Ph.D. here and is well acquainted with the current tenor of the lab. He has agreed to look for your message. He will be staying at the Roosevelt Hotel, at Madison and 45th (MU-6-9200), from Wednesday night through Friday, oa. 4PM. If it would be most convenient at that tim, he 1s scheduled on an AA flight 218 from Chicago, due 8:45 PM, where you might possibly catch him aleo. Larry had more or less thought of going out to C3H himself, but transportation seemed prohlematical. He will also be in touch with Norton on Thursday or Friday. As you can see, I am very earnestly thinking about your program of coming here. Postdoctorals need a good deal more thought however than graduate programs, and I want to be certain that your coming would be based on a clear mitual unders&adding of sach of our interests. Yours eee a