dJamary 19, 1955 Dr. Alan Garen Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution of Washington Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, N.Y. Dear Alan: Thank you for your letter of the 17th, I will have to take your inquiry under advisement at the present time because it has to be considered in ree lation to other applications and to the demands of the people already working here, Our working facilities remain somewhat restricted ani we have to con- sider very carefully how many people should be working here if we are not to become a bedlam. This depends to a large measure on the plans for next year of the other people now in the laboratory and it will take a few weeks before these become more definite, Meanwhile it would help the consideration of your application if you would return the enclosed formal application, with appropriate modifications for the circumstances. I am particularly interested in your notions of the kind of research work you would like to do, I regret that we will not have funds locally available for your support, but in the event that space is available, I will be happy to support your application to any of a number of appropriate agencies, Yours sincerely and with best regards, Josmma Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enel,