ELMHURST COLLEGE October 29, 1980 Dre Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University New York City, Neye Dear Dr. Lederberg, Thank you for your flattering request for a copy of my article on new scientific terms. Reprints promised by the editor have not yet arrived, so I am enclosing one of the copies I had run off for my linguistics students. Have you a particular interest in Inglish neologizing processes? 7 I am presently attempting a monograph on my classification system for such processes, and would enjoy corresponding with anyone else a) who is fascinated by the subject. Again, I thank you for your interest, and I hope you will enjoy the article. Sincerely, j! : é Z /: . - . : ? fos ee sort é 2 “ soem “ mae : wer . sO ste : - ee a ” Arthur Lewis Caso Vv « Thahcype | Mertens pom beg pune Department of inglish fal hays 9 Fito ELMHURST, ILLINOIS 60126 © (312)279-4100 /¢ f = sD. eaten ES Ste O06