Maa, The N: \ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY e University pe 1230 YORK AVENUE -NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021 Psyc THE PRESIDENT August 17, 1978 Dear Rabbi Cahn: I was most pleaseithat you were able to agree to participate in ny installation on October 16. You will of course receive more detailed information about the program, etc. in due course. I will be settled in New York after Labor Day, and will call you shortly thereafter. If any questions should arise meanwhile, please call on Mr. Rodney Nichols, Vice-President, at 360-1163, or my secretary at 360-1234, (Mary Jane Zimmerman). In fact the ceremony will be held in a large tent for the occasion; I would be tempted to decorate it appropriately, but that may be my sense of awkwardness about the conflict speaking. Yours “Ce” tia Lederberg pP.S. My father was Rabbi Zwi Hirsch Lederberg; his synagogue was in Washington Heights, where I spent most of my childhood. He was born in Israel, emigrated to the U.S. in 1924, suffered a disabling stroke in 1955, returned to Jerusalem and died there about 9 years ago. Most of my ancestors were in the rabbinate, as far as the records go. My mother's father was Rabbi Chaim Goldenbaum, who also emigrated from Israel (Safed) to Brooklyn. My brother Dov started with a secular education, as I did, but came under the influence of Rabbi Schneerson, and is now in a Hassidic calling, living in Jerusalen. So it is hard for me to be oblivious to the Succoth, as limited as I have to admit my devotional practice to be.