HARVARD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE GEORGE F. CAHILL JR., M.D. Director, Elliott P. Jostin Research Laboratory Professor of Medicine Joslin Diabetes Foundation, inc. One jogiin Place Physician Bent Bt eal Tetophone (617) 732-2540 Fount ELLER Uj/ VE seer Bene Grifham How XS D '‘AUG.10 1978 August 3, 1978 O > ice OF THE press Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your note of July 27. At the moment we are discussing candidates for our expanded Howard Hughes Medical Institute Advisory Committees. | would be honored to touch base with you after your return from Stanford. | am sure that things are extremely busy for you fn your move, Will be in touch, Sincerely yours, Cr ul rik George F, Cahibl, Jr., M.D. TE