INIWD 99999990 3990 — 3199d0N TECHNION — ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY V Teentaal FACULTY OF MEDICINE ANID NvYIpONn Tp?°3tnm tw 1wH» OFFICE OF THE DEAN 27th August, 1979 KEFELLER Unyj/, he Ca ws an 1979 SEP.10 1979 « Lice of sue eS Professor Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Professor Lederberg, I was delighted and honoured to learn from Professor Harold Simon that you have agreed to serve on the Scientific Advisory Committee of our Medical School. I hope that you have by now received the letter from the President of the Technion officially asking you to serve on the committee. I look forward eagerly to meeting with you in order to discuss our plans and great hopes for the future, and to receive your help and:.advice in building a research institute worthy of the name. Within the coming weeks a special report will be sent to you which will give full information on the research at present being carried out in basic, clinical and experimental medicine in our medical school. In the meantime may I send Z. you a booklet containing general information on our school, which we believe is a unique institution in the world of today. Once again my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your willingness to be of help to us. Should you have any questions you wish to clarify, please do not hesitate to write to me. Sincerely yours, David Barzilai, M.D. Professor of Medicine & Endocrinology Dean cc President A. Horev