UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA + SANTA CRUZ SS o> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA #6083 onl SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AUG 21 i979 0, CE OF Tg exes August 16, 1979 David Barzilai, M.D. Dean, Faculty of Medicine L The Technion - Isreal Institute of Medicine Haifa, Isreal Dear David: I have just spoken with Josh Lederberg. Josh's mother is from Haifa and he has a very warm affinity for the Technion. He asks me to tell you the following. He would very much like to be of help to you in whatever way you might require of him. This sentiment even extends to your using his name as a figurehead, if that is what you want, Something he does not permit anywhere else. He would also like to be of sub- Stantive assistance, but asks me to convey to you his reservation that his travel schedule is very full, and that it would be difficult -- unless fortuitous circumstances were to prevail -- for him to make a special trip to Isreal for a meeting of the committee. He also asked me to convey his sincere desire to meet with you and/or Amos Horev if you are in the New York area so that you and he may discuss this matter further. In short, he will be glad to serve within the constraints of his other obligations, does not want to be misunderstood as to the limits of his availability, and would feel badly if he had to turn down any requests based on misunderstandings of his situation. From my own experiences, I believe Josh Lederberg's input would be invaluable to you, even if he could not adhere to any scheduled visits to Isreal. In fact, I know of no one in the biomedical world who could be as valuable to you as he. Since our telephone conversation,.I have tried to reach Drs. Lipsett and Klebanoff, but without success. If I cannot reach them by Monday, August 20, I will approach Steinberg, and will then call you again. Also, and this David Barzilai, M.D. Page Two really should go without saying, if I can be of more direct help to you with the committee you need only ask. Best regards. Cordially, Harold J. Simon, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Community Medicine Director of International Programs HJS:ctw bec: Josh Lederberg