SYNTEX RESEARCH DIVISION OF SYNTEX CORPORATION, STANFORD INDUSTRIAL PARK, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304. May 3, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg RH-699 Department of Genetics Schpol .of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I enjoyed reading your column prepared for "Science & Man" (s226) and apologize for the delay in answering your re- quest. The literature certainly points out a correlation between Suppression of the jmmune mechanisms and the incidence of Cancer. However, as Sst 1 can determine, this relation- ship is limited to use of the antimetabolites and is not a concern of the corticosteroids. As a matter of fact, corti- coids have been used therapeutically with, unfortunately, little or no success. On the other hand use of these ster- oids has not resulted in stimulation of neoplastic growth. Although this does not speak directly to your question of long-term carcinogenic potential of systemic corticoids, it is as close as I can come. I hope this information is help- ful. Best regards. Sincerely, Redo 190 sous, Robert Hill, Ph.D. Director of Toxicology