Y The 5[Rockefeller\ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 7 University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 % ae September 13, 1983 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Vv Dr. Iwona Stroynowski_ California Institute of Technology 1201 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125 Dear Iwona: While I was at Stanford this summer, I was asked to write a letter about your candidacy for Assistant Professorship in the Genetics Department: which of course I did most enthusias- tically and cheerfully. However, the prospects do not seem too bright that they will be making another appointment in just your direction; so I wanted to ask you just how urgently you felt about moving back to the Bay area. If geography is the prime consideration, then I wonder if you would be interested in looking for an industrial position. There might be quite a few exciting openings in the Bay area even if that were not your first priority about where you wanted to work. I'm sure there would be situations that would give you a great deal of leeway to follow your scientific interests even though, in the end, the commercial needs of the company would have to be part of your research strategy. On-the other hand you would be re- lieved of some of the headaches or should I Say ratfrace of look- ing for grant funding all the time. If you would like for me to pursue this please let me know and also indicate what the geo- graphic zone of acceptability would be for you. All best wishes. Yours sincerely, hua Lederberg