DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington, D.C. 20520 BUREAU OF OCEANS AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS January 12, 1981 Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) of the Department of State is seeking information and advice regarding the foreign policy implications of developments in biogenetic engineering. We invite you to serve on an expert panel addressing this subject. The American Association for the Advancement of Science is organizing the biogenetic engineering panel in consultation with OES. The panel will advise the Secretary of State regarding how the dissemination of biogenetic techno- logy and products might affect the international environment in the physical, commercial, military, and political sense. Terms of reference for the panel are attached. As presently conceived, the panel will hold a day-long meeting to outline its work, followed by consultations as required. The panel will present its findings at the OES Advisory Committee meeting in May 1981, prior to forward- ing them to the Secretary of State. In addition to panel members (list of invitees attached), a number of government officials will be available to attend meetings, primarily to answer questions and to provide background information. The AAAS and State Department will provide staff support and will draft all necessary reports. The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 20, 1981. S dJ Please let Dr. Margaret Gould of the State Department (202-632-4068) know if that date is convenient. Limited travel funds are avafIable. Please inform us as soon as possible if you will require reimbursement for your expenses. We hope that you will be able to join us in this exciting enterprise and look forward to seeing you in February. [ey yg ttag Thomas R. Pickerin vg >| President William D. Carey Assistant Secretar ufts/ University, Executive Director, of State nterim Chairman AAAS Expert Panel facl- Con of §-Ad 2/40 ¢ accept: regret: Oo Gey