FELIX 5. COHEN (1932-1953) RICHARD B, BERRYMAN OAVID E. BIRENBAUM JAMES 6. BLINKOFF MILTON EISENBERG JOEL AR. FEIDELMAN HAROLO P. GREEN WILLIAM JOSEPHSON MAX M. KAMPELMAN KENNETH S. KRAMER WILLIAM P, ALFORD EDWARD JAY BECKWITH HARVEY N. BERNSTEIN JOHN T, BOESE KATHLEEN C. BUSH JOHN BERNARD CORR VIRGINIA F. CRISMAN S.BO80 DEAN DOUGLAS J. FEITH STEPHEN M. FOSTER JUNE MUNFORD GERTIG WILLIAM 6. HOFFMAN HENRY A, HUBSCHMAN BARBARA G. INKELLIS. CAROL HERNDON ISRAEL MARTIN A. KAMARCK JONATHAN L. KEMPNER JAY R. KRAEMER DAVID A. LOGAN RAYMOND EDWIN MABUS, JR. X pr Ft //, a in haat FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS,SHRIVER & KAMPELMA SUITE 1000 600 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE,N.W. ARTHUR LAZARUS, JR. ARTHUR LAZARUS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037 HARVEY L. PITT * MELVIN RISHE Hyon (202) 342-3500 Friep, Franx, Harris, RICHARD SCHIFTER ’ primal Lak CABLE “STERIC WASHINGTON’ SHRIVER & JACOBSON DANIEL M. SINGER TELEX 892406 W. RICHARD WEST, JR. 120 BROADWAY 2 KING'S ARMS YARD CATHERINE R. MACK NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 LONDON, EC2R 7AD, ENGLAND DAVIO u, MARTIN (212) 964-6500 {01) 600-1541 ELLEN K. MEISELS TELEX: 620223 TELEX: 887606 JOYCE A. RECHTSCHAFFEN DENNIS J. RILEY VICTOR A. D, ROSTOW VANESSA Ruiz JAMES H. SCHROPP LAWRENCE R. SIOMAN RICHARD A. STEINWURTZEL CRAIG A. STERN OUR REFERENCE WILLIAM E, SUDOW JOSEPHINE L. URSINI BETH ANN WILANSKY 7 LEROY W. WILDER JULIE L. WILLIAMS ERIC J. ZAHLER LEONARD A. ZAX November 7 3 1979 L. MARC ZELL JOSEPH BURSTEIN PAUL SHNITZER COUNSEL 4 NOT ADMITTED IN D.C. Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: Thanks for all the information about Rockefeller University, but, mostly, thanks for your handwritten note. You are the kind of President I like’ I am looking forward to reading, or at least glancing through, the material you sent to me. I am looking forward, also, to seeing you in Washington sometime soon. Remember you were on the Board of Advisors to The Kennedy Institute of Ethics. But you never came to the meetings! That, however, doesn't mean we still don't need you. We are continuing to try to relate ethics and biology and your friend, Dr. Lewis Thomas, is speaking to us on Thursday of this week. Also, I'd like to know what you think of our Encyclopedia (brochure ZZ enclosed). It is not perfect, we know that, but at least it's a start in the right direction. Good luck to you in your work and I hope that somehow even I can become a "capitalist of curtosity" Sincerely yours, Yay? | Sdygerft Shriver —_— WRITERS DIRECT NUMBER IS