ake STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Ph STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 September 29, 1975 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics (415) 497-5052 Mr. Sargent Shriver P.O. Box 2000 Washington, D.C. 20001 Dear Sarge, Your "debut", I gather, went well. Congratulations! This is some political "intelligence" from California - and please keep in mind I am trying to give you useful information of which I am not the source, My efforts at fund-raising on your behalf have met with some difficulty from people who I would have thought to be attuned to your political and social philosophy. Namely the allegation that your tenure of the Paris embassy was rife with managerial neglect; that it was an administrative mess in a context of party~giving; so how could you be trusted to run the government? As far as I know, you played a significant part in the amelioration of US- French relations during a difficult time. I have not been able to engage the specifics of this rumor, but felt you should be aware of it! I have tried to answer with my own knowledge of your management of Peace Corps and of OEO and believe you could do well to amplify the public image of this history. "Can he ever be elected to anything" is the other refrain, To turn to other matters it seems to me (post Watergate) that there remains a dark corner in our history that you.smight wish to investigate and make part of the national house-cleaning towards a new era. This is the China Lobby which (in my perception) bought U.S. foreign policy over the counter from 1950-1970. (And occasioned such disgraces as the McCarthyism). Indeed we now have a new China policy - for which your opponents will take undue credit! But there has never been an accounting for the graft and corruption that were surely part of the process. It should not take too much digging to get this out on the table. If this can be substantiated,it might enable us to proceed with further rectification of our relationships with the PRC, as well as discredit a significant wing of Mr. Ford's party - and pose some difficulties for his posture of clean government. (Of course I realize there was bipartisan participation in the “recycling” of our aid to Chiang, to account for the evident untouchability of this issue in national debate). LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE Mr. Sargent Shriver -~2- 9/29/75 Finally, I have just read Senator Kennedy's piece on the arms trade to the Persian Gulf in Foreign Affairs. While there is much to be said for negotiated efforts to reduce that frenzy, I hope you will not identify yourself with so unskeptical a view of Soviet intentions in that area and in the Indian Ocean. Negotiate? - of course, But unilateral withdrawal? Can one really believe that will decelerate the Soviets' continued expansion in that area? On the other hand, the Senator hardly gives enough attention to the dangers of nuclear proliferation which are enormous; and which I believe have little to do with the conventional arms trade. To the contrary, it is very loose controls on nuclear reactor technology and the dissemination of weaponable fuel that call for a drastic reappraisal of global policy - an issue which does unite us in common interest with the Soviet Union. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr