Institute The University of Texas Roger J. Bulger, M.D. for the Health Science Center William S. Fields, M.D. Interprofessional at Houston Margery W. Shaw, M.D., J.D. Study of Health Law University of Houston Michael T. Johnson, J.D. Central Campus Leonard L. Riskin, J.D., LL.M. Fannin Bank Building 1020 Holcombe, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77030 (713) 792-4813 Andrew J. Rudnick, Ph.D. Margery W. Shaw, M.D., J.D. July 21, 1981 Interim Director Dr. Joshua Lederberg 1431 Pitman Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301 Dear Josh: I had a heady experience with the Iowa Board of Regents' interview last Tuesday. I thought the day went well, but I was informed on Saturday that they had narrowed the candidates to two: Paul Rosenblatt, Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Arizona at Tucson, and James Friedman, Dean, College of Law, University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. Although it was a mild disappointment I find that it is also a relief not to be facing the heavy responsibilities of such a position. I've had three good nights' sleep since being elimi- nated! Thank you again for your efforts. I'm still in the mood to consider leaving Houston with its high crime rate, high pollution levels, and traffic jams (no mass transit). Barb is moving to "Silicon Valley" (near San Jose) next month. She's still in Data Processing and is getting a big promotion and raise to 36K. Pretty good for a kid who didn't finish college? Hez is retiring next month. He has Parkinsonism and was robbed and tied up under knife point-- he is still shaken and shaking. They caught a suspect with his stolen car but the rest of his belongings (hi fi, camera, etc.) were not recovered. The trial is August 17. Give me a call if you ever visit Houston again. My home phone is (713) 741-7099. Sincerely, Margery W. Shaw, M.D., J.D. ¥ ed MWS:n1