THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY SOME COMMENTS AND PROPOSALS This discussion was not planned initially to be of the nature it now turns out to be. The plan was to examine some general trends in The University programs and suggest some extensions which seemed important for further develop- ment. The more medical programs were to receive particular attention and this portion of the original plan is adhered to. Incidental to the preparation of the comment, an oppor- tunity was afforded for conversations with a number of indi- viduals of the intellectual community; some students and some junior and some senior members of the faculty. The support programs were also surveyed but not in detail; and several accounts of The University and its programs were consulted. The thrust of the general information obtained led to the belief that it might be more reasonablé to discuss problems of The University and its further development in a historical and philosophical context than a coldly analytical point of view. The presentation; which results is more useful in that it may provoke discussion rather than propose a simple course of action. ee K he\ N io James A, Shannon, M.D. ‘ August 9, 1970 os Background The transition of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research into a specialized university emphasizing the life sciences appears to have reached the end of an initial phase of organic growth. Changes which have occurred include an increase in the number of research groups, a broadening of the biological and behavioral base of the enterprise, the inclusion of related programs in the chemical, physical and mathematical sciences, and the intro- duction of predoctorate education. This growth has been accompanied by a lessened emphasis on the more medical portions of the program. The addition of small programs in cultural subjects appears to have been accomplished with- out particularly influencing the hard science nature of the environment. At this point, concern for the future of The University is commonly ex- pressed by some of the senior staff and the institution's "alumni," but this unease is not widespread. That which is evident seems to be stimulated by a concern of students and faculty alike for the nged to reexamine the roles of The University in a modern society. This is more of a national than a local phenomenon. As best one can judge from limited discussions, there does not appear to be a hardening of any series of simple propositions which might serve as a guide, or, a limit, to further development. There is general acceptance of the views that the freedom of the inde- pendent scientist and general scientific excellence must be maintained; and that the University is “unfinished” and should plan for continued growth. There are differing views on how growth can best be managed. Some would continue the operations of The University in the dominant mode of the present; i.e, support of the individual scientific units without particular substantive regard to the activity of other units within the environment. Others appear to be reaching for institutional mechanisms that, continuing the freedom of opportunity for the individual scientist, would favor programs of an integrative nature conducive to greater interaction among a number of the individual groups. There seems to be no particular resistance to the concept that this might foster some coalescence of some activities around broad conceptual statements of program purposes. All favor a flexible approach to development, managed in a fashion that does not violate the internal sci- entific forces of the field, If a resulting program has quite obvious societal import, then this would be judged to be acceptable to most scientists and desirable to many. There is also an expressed desire to improve the opportunity for re- search in the more complex biological systems such as can only be examined in the total animal. Such a desire is particularly apparent in some of the medical groups, the activities of which are generally oriented toward the elucidation of disease phenomena. Others would couple biological studies of the CNS with rapidly evolving opportunities jn the behavioral sciences, and the broad extension of these to the primate including man. Without being specific as to substantive program content, a number of scientists favor sig- nificant involvement of The University community with problems such as "popu- lation" and the "environment." A recurring theme that emerges from many discussions is the role that the systematic exploration of the various as-— pects of human development might play as an integrative force for many of the present discrete activities. A general characteristic of faculty views on these matters seems to be a desire to pursue any programatic change by an expansion of the science base of the institution rather than through a major redirection of personnel and and resources already available. Some would also seek an increase in oppor- tunity through affiliation with other institutions. But one general impression comes through quite clearly, there is a mild ferment now in process with no firm lines having been drawn on either a conceptual or substantive level. It seems likely that a restatement of broad University policy covering the substantive content of the University's planning would be appropriate at this time. If the staff were assured that the policies arrived at were to be the result of serious discussions with both the Board of Trustees and the senior faculty, then much staff uncertainty would be resolved in a satisfactory manner, There seems to be no thought that this will not be done. Extraneous factors contributing to uncertainty comprise the general phenomena of social unrest, and its reflection in the general university community. A triad of internal circumstances also have direct impact on the community. These are: e Fiscal uncertainty as the result of constraints on federal spending and the inroads of a continuing inflation. e The intent of the administration to undertake a program of further development but with a lack of understanding, by the senior staff, of the general but substantive con- Siderations which will underpin the plan for development. e The change in University “leadership,” the substantive impact of which is yet to be fully felt. Concerning University Purpose A general statement of University objectives is feasible. This should be philosophical in nature but probably not prepared as a freestanding docu- ment. It would be more effective if the statement were background for the exposition of the proposed extensions of institutional program. The audience for such a document should be students, staff, and potential sponsors as well as the general public. Perhaps the most important area to be examined in such a statement re- lates to the broad purposes of the University and the development of a cen- tral view on how its programs and operating philosophy relate to contemporary society and some of the latter's more obvious needs. The need for such a reasoned proposition or series of propositions is not unique to The Rockefeller University. Rather, it is likely that the inability of many a university to state clearly its perception of its own role in society is basic to much of the student-faculty-administration conflict that has evolved. In the absence of a self-definition of purpose and plan, there is much to find fault with in any complex institution and little for the non-dissident to adhere to firmly. The problem of Rockefeller may be particular and pressing despite its small size because it is not a conventional university. The Rockefeller University may thus be doubly vulnerable. It is vulnerable to the influence of the non-thoughtful dissident that is simply a reflection of its position as a member of the university cgmmunity. It is also prone to criticism by a few because of its massive commitment to science, and by others because of the fashion in which it carries out this specialized mission. Actually, a sense of broad mission is only dimly perceived by some. Many scientists find the University an effective locus for their own activities but seem to lack a sense of "institution" and a set of "institutional objec- tives" they can adhere to firmly. Then too, there may be a lack of vigorous support of the University from those who are increasingly disenchanted with the benevolent nature of the power and force of science as these are expressed in the University programs; and also from those without a clear perception of the relevance of research, particularly fundamental research, to the satisfaction of the overt needs of a contemporary society. These attitudes are not unique to The Rockefeller environment, Personal security is commonly disavowed by the young scientist as a satisfying end for which to strive and the lack of other clear and worthwhile guides to career development lead to individual doubts and frustrations. These are clearly evident. It is important to note that some of these con- cerns are really quite conventional, some are derived from a heightened per- sonal sense of social purpose which, in the individual, may or may not be fundamental. The general scientific environment must have a reinforcing in-~- fluence on this dissease, There is a lessening of individual career opportunity in a contracting scientific universe, this in turn is reflected in the extension of the period of dependency of the student and young faculty member. The net worth of limited scientific goals and the relevance of these to a real and brutal more general universe, pose both intellectual and emotional problems to the developing scientist. In such a set of circumstances, short term individual accomplishments may seem to be poor substitutes for a deeper con- viction of the importance of, and at the same time a clear perception of progress toward generally agreed upon important goals. The general university environment tends to foster doubt and inquiry, this is good; has been in the past and will be in the future. But an essential that must be satisfied, for high institutional morale is a complete and pro- found commitment of the young scientist to the purposes of his environment. In the case of the general university, this has obvious social utility without becoming committed to social programs in a direct operational mode. This is derived from its general educational programs, its more limited pro- grams of professional and graduate education, its innovative productivity in the arts and sciences and its general acceptance as a center for intel- lectual inquiry. The general educational programs are concerned with public education, the provision of teachers for the educational systems of the Nation, and the basic educational experience for a number of essential professions. It may also be deemed to be socially acceptable to many because of the cultural function it serves in the community although, depending on how this function is performed, it can be perceived as an institution dedicated to the perpetua- tion of an establishment not now found to be wholly acceptable to many. It can be argued that many universities and indeed, the university world in general, does not perform these tasks too well. This is a healthy and quite reasonable attitude. But it is important to note, in terms of the social purposes of a general university, even the most disenchanted agree that the general tasks themselves are essential. Graduate (and professional) education in the general university pro- vides for the definitive development of scientists, technologists and an array of competently trained progessionals in socially essential fields. These activities have a common characteristic, aj least in theory. Each of the students touched by an advanced educational experience is expected in proportion to the length and depth. of the experience, to be increasingly capable of independent action within his field of choice. Again, there may be disagreement on the emphasis given graduate and professional education by field but little disagreement on the importance of this aspect of the educa- tional process. The third general university function is more controversial, i.e. re- search, particularly in the sciences. This is evident when the research is viewed with respect to its utility to society, when the benign purpose of the ultimate product is suspect, or when its purpose is not understood. It can also be controversial, regardless of its content, when the research is pur- sued on a massive scale. Distrust of sctence is not uncommon in our society. This can stem from simple ignorance or from attitudes leading to humanistic life styles. It may also stem from the view that much research does not have a socially desirable objective or indeed may be anti-social in its purpose; or from the belief that much research does not have clear relevance to the great problems of today. In these views, research should receive a lower priority in the allocation of the limited resources available. Simplistically stated, while some research is good and essential, much is trivial, and some is actually evil. In the view of others, the too vigorous pursuit of research objectives ean detract from the competence of the educational process, and the deferral by the university of science tasks deemed to be important and within its com- petence. Comments such as these are not to be taken lightly by the university world for they are not limited in their utterance to a disaffected few. The entire array of criticism is not infrequently the main substance of remarks of a few in our Congress and in the gtate houses across the Nation. In the specific case of biomedical research, criticism is too fre- quently the common currency of exchange of some deans of our medical schools and some leaders of the medical profession. The biomedical research program is not infrequently viewed by these as a deterrent to the needful expansion of medical education and only a minor contributor to its excellence. In addition, it is charged with the sequestration of an inordinate amount of physician talent thus directly contributing to the physician shortage in the health service delivery systems. Such views may be held to stem from ignor- ance and to be unfair. Nonetheless, the views are current amd do influence the attitudes of students and the general public alike. To date, they have received far too little attention by the leadership in our universities. The simple though valid statement that "Universities are for learning” (McGeorge Bundy, Daedulus, vol. 99, p.555, 1970) carries little conviction when put to the concrete test. The broad social purposes of The Rockefeller University have not been clearly stated. It must be accepted that the University makes little contri- bution to general education or to professional education except indirectly in its contribution to the education of faculty for other universities and their professional schools. Further, the student body is limited in size and substantive content. The size of the graduate student body, though sub- stantial, constitutes only about 20 percent of the intellectual community and is heavily concentrated in the biological, behavioral and biomedical fields.? Given such a situation, the net worth of the University is largely determined by the productivity of its research staff - and probably more, than less, on this alone. The research activities in turn, will be increasingly appraised, less from the standpoint of the simple excellence of the units of work - general excellence being expected on the basis of past performance, and more from the substantive content of the research. It is inevitable that such an apprai- sal will include considerations external to fields of science. These will be required for a general but clear understanding of the relevance of its programs to the great societal problems of our times. In a real way, The 1 For purposes of this comment, the postdoctoral fellows can be considered to be a transient portion of the investigative staff of The University. Rockefeller University will likely be judged by criteria which are increas- ingly applied to an assessment of the net worth of the nation's total com- mitment to the biomedical sciences. But the nature of the nation's commitment in this area is undergoing change. Having established a broad program of un- differentiated science in the past two decades, the nation's biomedical scientists are increasingly being posed questions as to the reasonableness of the distribution of their effort within more or less fixed resources: this in relation to the unsolved biological and behavioral problems of medicine; and the applicability of the newly acquired knowledge to the solution of the social and economic burdens imposed by ignorance. A healthy reappraisal of the distribution of our national effort is inevitable as are the program shifts which can be anticipated. Hopefully these changes will be the result of nature consideration of scientific opportunity and not simple expressions of social need. Importantly, in this assessment, it is certain that note will be taken of the maturing behavioral and social fields and the interaction of these with the more conventional fields of biomedical activity as these have developed during the past two decades. a Modest amounts of research in institutions with broad educational pro~ grams are likely to be found acceptable without special regard to substantive content. They will be assessed for their direct contribution to the excellence of a lively educational process. But the larger research programs, such as are conventional in research institutes and research divisions, will be sub- ject to a more penetrating appraisal. In applying these attitudes to a con- sideration of the further development of The Rockefeller University, some questions become quite specific. These relate to whether or not the deploy- ment of its resources is such as to foster a meaningful approach to a selected number of broad problems in the fields of its concern; and whether the problems 10. themselves are presented in a meaningful fashion. Again, the simple excellence of a series of discrete activities may not in itself be considered adequate. These views do not reflect the simple view that the University should restructure its ongoing activities in a fashion which would replace funda- mental research with general objectives, by applied research with specific objectives. Quite the contrary, this would be both traumatic and unproductive. But, it may well be that such views are important in considering the further development of the University. They may also be determinative of the ease with which it is possible to continue the financing of the present programs and at the same time to provide for an extension of University activity into the future. One way or another, they will have a profound influence upon the acceptance of the University by its sponsors, as well as by some of its staff students. The major problems facing the University leadership during the coming half decade will be to sustain the excellence of the individual units; and to select a limited number of broad program areas with acceptable general objectives, Each of the latter must be selected with care, giving positive consideration not only to the discrete scientific opportunity, but also to the utility of the broad program in providing an integrative force for some of the existing programs. It is possible that new institutional programs deemed to be desirable will be of a nature that they cannot be developed wholly within the labora- tories and clinics of the University. Some no doubt can but others will only be possible with suitable cooperative arrangements. But then, cooperative arrangements may be desirable in themselves in the broadening influence they can have on The University. ll. II Early Developments The University continues, as in the past, to be generally characterized by the excellence of its scientific activities and the distinction of its scientific staff. But, its role, within the broad sweep of science ,- has changed during the span of its development. These changes include its func- tional setting within the general Rockefeller interests, its institutional purposes, and its ability to influence the contemporary science of the nation. It is useful to review some of these occurrences, less for the details of his- torical development than to provide some sense of history as a solid base to view the prospects for institutional change. The University had its beginning at the turn of the century (1901) as a series of laboratories in chemical, biological and medical sciences aimed generally at the provision of a science base for medicine. The then Rocke- feller Institute was one of the nation's four or five science oriented insti- tutions with a capability to modify American medicine. A view of contributions to this is possible only if its activity is viewed as part of a broader, loosely integrated set of activities supported by the Rockefeller interests. The major elements of these programs, were The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, its loosely dependent Hospital and The Rockefeller Foundation with its subsequently developed International Health Division. The programs supported contained a mix of domestic and overseas activities which coupled 1 science is used as a broad term having the dimensions of the sum of research and education within a broad intellectual context. “rhe General Educational Board will not be discussed. 12. biomedical research, medical education and public health. The substance of the work performed and supported was related to what were perceived to be the great medical problems of the period. Domestically, the Rockefeller Institute and Foundation were most pro- ductive in the development of new leadership in the coupled functions of research and education as the U.S, medical schools underwent a progressive change from a trade school type of institution to one generally characterized by a high degree of professionalism, These changes followed acceptance of the general concepts of medical education propounded by Flexner. His report, published at about the time of the 10th anniversary of The Rockefeller Insti- tute, emphasized the need for a sound science base in the education of the physician. The Rockefeller interests were important in part because their individual programs expressed a similar point of view and each had well- established mechanisms with which to exercise a determinative role on the medical schools in the process of change. The full influence of these organi- zations was particularly evident in the 1920's. The modern biomedical scientist is prone to overlook the ferment in medicine in the U.S, at the turn of the century. This reflected the develop- ment of broad areas of relevant science in the laboratories of Western Europe and the continuing scientific deficiencies in most American institutions. But, a beginning of change or at the least, the opportunity for needful change, was perceived by a number of thoughtful professionals at that time. Bacteriology was providing an increased understanding of the nature of infectious diseases. Organic chemistry had developed a base for the study of metabolic phenomena. Physiology was in the process of defining the inter- actions of components within complex organ systems and systems control. Path- ology had made a good start in the description of the morphological expression 13. of disease processes and provided a more rational base for the classification of disease phenomena. The practical utility of this new information in both the development of sound education and in the management of disease was clearly apparent. As a result, there were established a few modern laboratories in each of several U.S. universities and in some of the departments of the federal es-— tablishment, i.e. The Medical Department of the Army and the U.S. Public Health Service. Further, the general social value of research was sharply defined for the American public by several occurrences, Yellow Fever, in epidemic proportions, was suppressed in Cuba; a trans Isthmus canal in Panama was shown to be feasible providing prudent disease control was exer- cised; and the scandals in the drug field and their correction in the creation of the Food and Drug Administration emphasize the general need for science and technology in the manufacture and approval for distribution of therapeutic agents. Meanwhile, the Public Health Service was demonstrating the utility and effectiveness of a quarantine function conducted with proper laboratory support. These achievements, occurring at about the time the new Rockefeller enterprises were evolving, must have had a profound influence on the character of the initial undertakings, The early objectives, as best one can interpret the intellectual thrust behind the programs, were evenly divided between the development of new knowledge and its application in the resolution of medical or public health problems. Given the flux in education, it is not surprising that they also included purposeful efforts to modify the form and substance of medical and public health education in this country and abroad. The research supported encompassed both the fundamental and the applied but eminence was given to professionals of high competence to determine the courses of studies 14. that they deemed to be most likely to achieve the desired end result. This juxtaposition of general goals and freedom in the methods of pursuit of fun- damental and applied research continues to characterize much of the overall Rockefeller enterprises. There can be ne doubt that these concepts together with a full appre- ciation of the power of science led to the establishment of the laboratories of the International Health Division of The Foundation in close association with the Laboratories and Hospital of The Rockefeller Institute. This was likely less a matter of convenience than to provide an increasingly important public health enterprise with a broad science base, within an environment committed to the use of science in the resolution of important medical problems. The period up to the beginning of World War II was extraordinary in the productivity of the Institute programs. A cataloguing of achievements is less important than a sampling which can provide some sense of their major thrust. Prominence was quickly achieved in areas of organic chemistry, (of natural products), anatomy (cytology), cellular physiology (particularly in relation to membrane phenomena), and physical chemistry (the formulation of theory covering redox potentials). But the prestige of The Institute was importantly derived from equally fundamental research which in addition had quite specific application to disease. The more medically oriented studies were wide ranging and quickly achieved eminence in a number of fields. These included the study of cancer and the relation of viruses to uninhibited cellular growth; the examination of viral and bacterial disease including the fundamental nature of these agents, the diseases they produce and how these latter could be prevented or modified; the exploration of cardiovascular disease and the related problems of hypertension and chronic renal disease: the general conceptions which 1S. underlie the theoretical, and practical consideration of antibiotics in the control of infectious disease. Other productive areas of research provided precise methods for the study of biological and biochemical phenomena in health and disease. These were particularly important as a quantitative base for clinical science which, beginning in the teens, developed rapidly in the U.S. during the twenties and thirties. Related to this general type of activity was the penetrating observations leading to the concept of fixed blood groups with its immediate and profound influence on medical practice. There were other important contributions but those mentioned are suf- ficient to make an important point. The peculiar genius of the early Insti- tute and its related Hospital was the development of broad programs of fundamental biomedical research within a framework of disease objectives; and to utilize the research activities as a training base for the development of science based medical educators. Broad accomplishments by small groups of brilliant scientists was somewhat easier during the early period than is true today and great leaps were possible with substantially less resources. But this does not detract from the extraordinary accomplishments of the’ early Institute scientists. Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Foundation performed an essential role in the developing institutions of medical education and supported selected areas of research both at home and abroad. It is difficult to reconstruct the details of the interacting relations among the several Rockefeller pro- grams in sunmary form, but it is quite clear that the impact of the entrance of gifted scientists into U.S. medicine from the Institute and Foundation programs was profound. The programs of the International Health Division of the Foundation and its loosely related Peking Union Medical School and spare ee 16. University had an equal influence on U.S, and overseas science particularly in South America and in China, India and South East Asia. These Foundation programs were critical in providing an international base for the medical sciences and were particularly effective in providing effective linkage between scientists and research activiteis in the U.S. and Western Europe, They also had a profound influence on public health practice in many then called underdeveloped countries; public health practice based on an elucidation of the mechanics of disease and its transmission. The Foundation's overseas programs gave particular emphasis to malaria and other parasitic diseases and to viral disease, (more particularly yellow fever). With this general background one can examine the happenings since World War II which produced such striking changes in the Rockefeller enter- prises during the past quarter of a century. The Foundation activities will be discussed first so as to provide continuity in a consideration of Univer- sity programs in the later sections. The Rockefeller Foundation —- Post World War II, There were a number of outstanding U.S. medical schools in the late 1940's. Also, the federal establishment was rapidly developing significant science support programs both at home and abroad. These factors diminished the impact that could be generated from within the private sector on medically oriented institutions in the United States. At the same time there was obvious need for temporary aid to institutions of Western Europe and long term needs for support of health activities in an increasing number of “developing” nations. In such a situation it is not surprising that the Foundation reduced its support for medicine in the Continental U.S. rather sharply and extended its aid in both South America and Western Europe. There was also a critical 17. shift in program content as it became increasingly clear that poor nutrition was an important and world wide problem, But a continuing interest of the Foundation in medical education is apparent in the development of a model program for the production of physicians and related medical personnel in Cali, Columbia, and the later development of a new type of Medical institution in Tanganyika which seemed suited to the needs of Africa. During this period, the development of medical school staff was aided by selective research and fellowship support to a number of medical schools in South America and in the newly evolving nations in Africa, the Far East and Southeast Asia. The evolution of these overseas activities as the primary programs of the Foundation led to the abolishment of the International Health Division and then the closure of the latters laboratories at the Institute. This was accompanied by a curtailment of the direct research of the Foundation and a relative expansion of grant supported activities. But, as the last quarter of a century evolved, support of activities in Western Europe and South America (except for Cali) was progressively with- drawn and there was a change in program emphasis. The Foundation continued a general interest in medical education, but increasingly emphasized agricul- tural technology and the relation of this to the satisfaction of nutritional deficiencies. No doubt the programs in Mexico which resulted in hardy, highly productive hybrid strains of corn had a profound influence on this later development. The Mexican experience was strikingly successful not only in its impact on the immediate problems of malnutrition but also on the broader fields of agricultural reform and food technology. These accomplishments, in addition, had an important influence on the economy of the country. The more recent programs in the food production area seem likely to be equally successful. certainly in South East Asia, the Philipines and India. These advances are centered about laboratory support for the development of 18. hybrid cereal grains in the Ford-Rockefeller supported International Rice Institute in Manila, agricultural and nutritionally oriented laboratories in India and Thailand and backup support from a limited number of U.S. labora-— tories. Immediate application of the technological advances in agriculture coupled with the development of indigenous sources of fertilizer and more sensible water use have already resulted in a striking increase in food pro- duction particularly notable in these areas. The advances now seem to be sell along toward integration, by locally developed scientists and technologists, into conventional agricultural practice. The results of this shift in program emphasis by the Foundation now seem secure. They are presented in summary form to emphasize the wisdom of coupling fundamental research (in this case plant genetics) to a broad activity which seeks to solve a difficult and important practical problem. The programs also demonstrate that the concurrent development of local scien- tists and technologists can secure long term continuing progress with in- digenous support in foreign countries as well as in the U.S, In the light of these successes in South East Asia and the Far East, and the development of productive agricultural programs in Africa and the Near East it would be surprising if the programs of the Foundation were not the subject of a further change in emphasis. Serious concern for the quantitative and qualitative aspects of a nation's food supply must be matched by comparable concern for population size and population growth and the impact of these on technological development. In this view. it is not surprising that the establishment (in 1952) of The Popu- 1 lation Council was followed by the development of a set of scientific 1 This council is a separately funded activity the primary support being derived from the Rockefeller Foundation in association with the Ford Foundation, 19. activities within a context of the social problem. As the Rockefeller in- volvement in this problem has increased, it has been a factor in modifying the attitudes of both official and private agencies particularly in the U.S. Substantial federal resources are now available and the problem is given high priority by the Ford Foundation. Comparable concern for the population problem has only recently become apparent in a few U.S. universities. ‘The possible involvement of The Rocke- feller University with such a program will be noted below at greater length. At this point it is emphasized that little is to be gained for the University by its entrance into the field unless a program can be evolved which is con- genial to already existing activities, and if the program is given high priority in the core of the University's objectives. Present University in- volvement is minimal. The University serves as a host to some of the scien- tists of the Population Council but the program, as now conducted, is largely one of operational convenience, 20 Iit Current Prospects The Rockefeller University, Post World War II. It is clear that, as with the Foundation, the role of the Institute in American science changed with the re-establishment of the nation's programs in the biomedical sciences after the disruption of World War II partly because its resources became in- creasingly less distinctive. The hard core of university science in the United States, initiated during the thirties, was expanded rapidly with federal support in the post war period. This was evident in the availability of more extensive resources, the increases in pre and post doctoral education, and the increased size of university faculties, The expansion of research opportunity was common to both “private” and state universities, their associated professional schools and to a number of evolving research institutes, Extensive changes in the substance of the science enterprise parallelled the increase in research op-— portunity, first in the physical and then in the biomedical sciences, The full flowering of the federal influence was particularly notable in the 1955- 1965 decade as biomedical research moved from the part time avocation of a few to a full professional occupation of many. It is pertinent to review briefly the effect of these changes on the volume and substance of research during the total period (1945-1965). This period is critical in that it spans the post war decay in the influence of the Institute, the enquiry into its future (1952), the decisions which led to a change of institutional program (1953), and the early years of University development. 21, The immediate post war period (1945-1953) was profoundly influenced by the increasing availability of antimicrobial agents and appreciation of the increasing social and economic burden of chronic illness. These influences resulted in a shift in research emphasis to the chronic diseases. The bio- logical complexity of these diseases, the general disenchantment of University scientists with the target research of World War II, and the increasing availability of new methods for the precise quantification of biological phenomena, were determinative influences in the evolution of a fundamental biological approach to these problems .? As the result of an expanded in- dustrial effort a large number of therapeutic agents which were developed em- pirically during the fifties and early sixties which, though not preventing or curing important acute and chronic illness, permitted the amelioration of the acute episodic manifestations of both types of disease. Also, large surgery with its attending drama became commonplace. During this period too, the nature of many diseases were more clearly defined and an array of viral vaccines were developed. Some of the latter were striking improvements on those previously available (rabies, influence, yellow fever), others (polio, rubella, measles, mumps) were wholly new. These practical advances relieved the pressure for "results" and freed the biomedical scientists to use the internal dynamics of science as a major guide in the evolution of their research programs. These time related phenomena are not commonly understood by many scientists. line importance of so-called "basic research” was highlighted by the evolution of the National Science Foundation and the prominence given "basic science” by a number of Federal mission oriented agencies. 22. As the post war research programs approached maturity, other changes in medicine were taking place, (particularly during the 1960-1965 period), and those were to have an important impact on the support of biomedical sciences. There was an increasing appreciation of the need for a modification in the methods for the delivery of health services from systems which provide for the management of episodic illness to systems that had as their objectives the maintenance of health. This progressive shift in objectives in the ser- vice area is reflected in the type of continuing care provided in many spe- cialty clinics and which can find definitive expression in the full scale provision of health maintenance by newly evolving health care systems. But such systems run counter to the dominant concern of most physicians for a continuation of a fee for service system and have not as yet been fully ex- ploited. Nonetheless and important for present purposes, is the fact that the changes in the health care delivery system which are in prospect make in- creasingly possible the long term study of the emergence of chronic disease and its natural history. These new systems will facilitate studies on the modification and amelioration of chronic illness through the long term use of therapeutic (and dietetic) regimens. Other studies of a quite fundamental nature will also be feasible. These are beneficial effects, at least in prospect, but there are others with strikingly adverse influences. The progressive involvement of federal agencies in providing an economic base for an increasingly high cost function is an important factor in limiting the support of its biomedical research enterprises. These occurrences have several consequences. Less "real dollars" are now available to support the increasing research opportunities and an in- creasing demand for short term results have become increasingly apparent. At 23. the same time, medical institutions are faced with the dual responsibility of expanding physician production and remedying defects in the service systems. It is not unlikely that those problems will be prominent in the future deter- mination of federal support for the coupled functions of research, education, and research. During the period of rapid program development (i.e, 1955-1965), there also occurred a profound shift in the clinical investigation of disease. Ini- tially largely limited to clinical observation, increasingly emphasis has shifted to the active manipulation of the concerned biological systems under highly controlled conditions. Such a shift in clinical research content is nowhere more clear than in the increasing use of "normal volunteers" in parallel with the patient with disease in the study of the operation of well defined biochemical and physiological systems at rest and under quantitatively imposed stress. Such studies provide precise information which can be utilized in the subsequent modification of the biological systems in useful fashions to prevent or modify serious disease. Out of these general trends, and over the longer period under consideration (1945-1965) many clinicians have been transformed into a clinical scientist with a full capability of operating at all three levels of fundamental, applied and developmental research. Impor- tantly too, the well trained clinical scientist can now approach the problems of disease with a broad understanding of the relevant fundamental sciences and a full capability for intimate interaction with his more biologically based colleague. During this same period striking changes were taking place in the more biological portions of the biomedical sciences. The entrance of scientists with mathematical, physical and chemical skills into these fields provided both.the views and instruments of precise science. Biochemistry with its 24, concern for overall phenomena of cell metabolism, simple enzymes and the kinetics of enzyme reactions in limited systems has been extended to encom- pass the quantitative exploration of biochemical and biophysical phenomena on a molecular and cell organelle level. The newly emerging field of molecular biology, drew upon, and in turn influenced in a revolutionary fashion the disciplines of microbiology, immunology and genetics. These, in turn, provide new insights into the molec~ ular basis of some diseases and the opportunity to explore others in a more definitive fashion. Perhaps even more revolutionary have been the changes in the behavioral sciences and their potential influence on biologically oriented counterpart areas of science. This is nowhere clearer than in experimental psychology. The era of the "brass psychologist" is long since past. Present experimental emphasis is on such broad areas as the development of the cognitive faculties, perception, learning and language and on the behavioral base for a variety of social phenomena. Direct application of some of these advances to problems of human development are quite evident. Such studies provide the base of others with a view that the plasticity of the central nervous system for a substantial post natal period is a common ground for exploration both bio- logically and behaviorally oriented scientists. Viewing the opportunities objectively, one can only wonder if the delay in coupling of these fields may not be largely due to our unrealistic compartmentalization of science. Importantly, an aggregation of biological and behavioral scientific effort could provide a new and rational base for the restructuring of our conceptions of the proper rearing of the child and of the fundamentals of our 1 As early as 1962, a broad interdisciplinary discussion group was established through NIH support within the framework of the American Academy of Arts and Science. This continues to be a highly productive activity. 25. general educational processes. The information for these changes is much more likely to be provided by biologically oriented behavioral scientists than by the more conventional students of education. Equally important, the results of such a hard scientific exploration of these abstruse processes can be expected to yield definitive results that are directly applicable to the definition of, and rescuing operations possible, for the retarded child. Most certainly they can provide a more precise definition of the role of environ- ment (including nutritional as well as behavioral factors) in the development of the retarded, the usual, as well as the superior child. These are truly exciting prospects. A large number of other areas of science are equally characterized by broad opportunity in the fundamental sciences, some with direct applicability to the human in distress. Included in these are: ° The further development of our understanding of viruses and their interaction with cell information systems as a basis for the understanding of their role in carcinogenesis, and their likely contribution to some of the devastating diseases of the central nervous system; e The further exploration of the interm¢diary metabolism of food stuffs and the directive factors leading to the associated and interactive problems of obesity, athero- sclerosis and diabetes; e The provision of a rational biological base for the understanding and further development of an array of therapeutic agents which influence a variety of systems including those that affect mood and influence frank dis- turbances of behavior resulting from systematic psychiatric disease. but these are only a sampling. The lessons to be learned from many of the recent advances are applicable to the planning of future research necessary for the solution of serious prob- lems. For any major problem it will be necessary to provide a precise under- standing of the operation of one or more quite fundamental biological systems, 26. to extend this to encompass a clarification of the directive influences which modify the operations of the system within the intact animal and to define the role of specific biological systems in the generation of disease. Quite apart from such developments and their influence on the substance of contemporary science, science in the process has acquired a new dimension. This is derived from a clear capability, given time, to solve the many im- portant problems of disease, This is more so than a decade ago and the rele- vance of science to the many medical problems of today is more easily per- ceived. Unfortunately, this also serves to stimulate a public whose appetite has been whetted, but not satisfied by the advances of science. The general character of the scientific environments out of which further major advance will likely emerge are equally clear. The biological, and the behavioral and medical skills required must have a braod base in the physical sciences, mathematics, computational skills and engineering. But, studies of this complexity will require large laboratory resources, and access to many animal models supplemented by well organized human populations. Such an array of talent and resources can emerge from the invisible colleges of science which themselves provide for loosely arranged collaboration, They can be developed through federal action in well formalized programs of col- laborative research, Or, at times they occur within 7 individual institution because of a general concurrance of scientific interest and an institutional policy which fosters the belief that in the allocation of resources, some can be utilized to foster a limited number of programs with broad purposes. When the advances in the life sciences, particularly those related to the nature of man and his problems, are viewed in this manner it is not surprising that the newly developed University Medical Centers have been and hopefully will continue to be particularly well suited to take advantage 27, of these opportunities. Such institutions may be faulted for their over concern for science and their less than adequate performance in the educa- tional and service areas. But, it is to be devoutly hoped that in remedying these latter deficiencies, they will not destroy an otherwise superb organi- zation for the biomedical sciences of the future. They are particularly well suited to support the evolution of broad programs of fundamental research and at the same time foster the interaction of scientists operating at the extremes of fundamental and quite practical endeavor. These new science organizations have no need to adhere to any particular organizational pattern. They have a capability to evolve without concern for the scientific character of their professional staff, or the substance of their research undertakings. They need not adhere to any particular predetermined size or number of scien- tific groups that may be required for the prosecution of a given set of prob- lems. Then too, dealing as they must with the application of the leading edge of science to the practical problems of medical care and the education of physicians their social purposes are both secure and evident. And yet they operate at a serious disadvantage. This is derived from the fact that they are not primarily research institutions and increasingly they must respond to a need for a greater abundance of physicians and to needed modification of the health care systems of the nation. Then too, their role in the production of medical specialists frequently tends toward undue fractionation of programs. But to return to the evolution of the Rockefeller Institute - Some of these phenomena which relate to the evolution of science in the 1955 to 1965 decade, were becoming evident in the early fifties. The deficiencies in the organization and programs of the Institute were clear even in the face of the continuing productivity of the Institute staff. But, 28. the progressive effects of these influences on the character and quality of the Institute programs were evident in the operational limitations on the ability of the Institute staff scientists to participate in the rapidly pro- gressive revolution in American science which was beginning to take place. Of particular notw was the fairly rigid functional structure of the Institute, and a limitation on the size of research groups and the resources that could be made available. Conventions concerning the source of support imposed strict limitations on the ability of Institute scientists to participate with their university colleagues in the broad increasing support provided from federal sources. It was within such a frame of reference (1952-1953) that a searching enquiry was made into the operations and future prospects of the Institute and the continuing need for the replacement of its senior leadership group. This set of inquiries led to several general decisions. These involved a modification of the basic bylaws of the institution, permitted the initiation of formal graduate education, looked to external sources for funds to expand the physical plant, the support of an increasingly large group of scientists, the ultimate creation of The Rockefeller University and influenced the program content of the new University. The program of the Institute expanded rapidly thereafter, the Univer- sity's primary purpose being, to emphasize the broad reaches of the rapidly developing biomedical sciences and at the same time to provide a broader science and cultural base for the expanding environment. New opportunities were developed in fields of chemistry, physics and mathematics and biology on a reasonable scale. History and logic were in- troduced on a more limited scale. The biomedical fields were substantially broadened by these changes and the activities of many groups enhanced by an 29. increase in group size and the provision of new resources. This expansion of activity was particularly evident in the biological area with emphasis being given to the many aspects of science emerging in the fields generally grouped within "molecular biology." Other expansion encompassed studies on the development and operations of the central nervous system. Also, a good beginning was made in programs within the behavioral sciences. But the more medical aspects of the University's program did not flourish in a comparable fashion although continued support was provided in the infectious disease area, in studies concerned with lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis, in liver disease, and in problems associated with drug dependence. The bulk of the new activities and the expansion of already existing activities followed the conventional pattern of the earlier Institute in that each group was established within a fairly well defined area in science, As with the “older” activities, collaboration of groups was encouraged but general "goals" that might encompass major joint enterprises of several groups were eschewed. In all these changes, excellence in scientific effort was sought for and achieved. In many ways the program evolution was quite similar to comparable developments taking place concurrently in many first class general universities. One cannot quarrel with the purposes set forth by the review committee in its report to the Board of Trustees (1953). This reflected the rugged individual views and life styles of many if not most of the leaders in the biological sciences at that time. A pertinent passage in this report is as follows: "The Institute should be continued, developed and strenghtened, with its research emphasis at the long-range fundamental level in areas of medical research which its independence, resources in men and material, and lack of departmentalization make it uniquely qualified to explore, with the double function of pro- 30. ducing trained investigators as well as research publications. To the extent that resources permit, it should support additional selected activities outside the central establishment which will further contribute to the accomplishment of its objectives. "The present policy of freedom from all programmatic, or project research should be continued. Each individual scientist should be free to shift the direction of his research in accordance with his own best judgment." Nonetheless, some would comment along somewhat different lines today. Research can be pursued as an essential part of a lively program of general and graduate education and this must be done in the general University which requires a sound science base for the primary educational purpose of the institution. However, when research is supported and performed on a massive scale, the requirements for an adequate program have additional obligations. These relate to the general purposes of the research and its broad relevance to societal needs. To decide otherwise is to conclude that science, supported directly or indirectly by society is a thing apart from society and connot thrive in close association with the latter's problems. It is particularly true that the development of any broad area of the biomedical science, even when it has "its research emphasis at the long-range fundamental level in areas of medical research," must have some general pur- pose in mind. It is also clear that such a purpose for its accomplishment to be complete, most generally will involve a mix of activities; some pursued on quite a fundamental level and some on a more applied level; and depending on the area of study there may be a component on a developmental level. Further, such a general purpose will rarely find healthy expression within a scientific environment except in the case of small discrete groups of scientists in the absence of one or more integrative forces. These can be generated so as to have a substantive influence on the direction of the many components that necessarily will be involved in the solution of any broad 31. problem but need not stifle individual initiative. Finally, it is quite clear that many of the diverse problems of medicine can provide a variety of integrative forces for such general purposes. The acceptance of one or more of such general purposes has the dual advantages of providing both a scientific guide to the evolution of the program and a social value to the overall enter- prises. It is to be emphasized, that such science organization as is necessary to provide for the achievement of one or more general purposes of a complex nature, can heighten the scientific excitement of an evironment rather than depress it. But this requires sensitive “management.” Such a view does not envisage the compression of all of an institution's activities into a series of stereotyped scientific organizational forms. Rather, the view expresses the conviction that many areas of the biomedical and behavioral sciences can only find full and definitive expression if the science organization is such that several discrete science objectives can be encompassed within a broader general purpose. Such a general purpose must inherently have great importance, and must be able to encompass the narrower scientific objectives of individual groups involved. When such a task is well performed, it does indeed make the whole greater and more satisfying than the sum of its component parts. Bluntly stated, the achievement of such a goal in any area of science requires enlightened scientific leadership and not direction in the ordinary sense of the word. Contrary to these convictions, the application of the philosophical design for the developing University (p.29) and the rapid advances and changing nature of biomedical problems and biomedical capability have both resulted in a progressive movement away from the fundamental character of the programs that characterized the Rockefeller Institute before World War II, and which 32. continue to characterize the activities of the Rockefeller Foundation today. Both of the latter adhered to general purposes as a set of concerns in the allocation of resources and in program development. The positive moves of the University as it sought to provide for "research emphasis at the long range fundamental level in areas of medical research" wrought changes of considerable importance. The broad base was indeed acquired but the expan- sion of the base was accompanied by a progressive withdrawal of the University from medical problems of broad significance, and the lack of development of other integrative forces which might be useful in the provision of effective interaction of discrete groups of scientists. In consequence of this, major contact and continued involvement with the great problems of medicine by The University's scientists have become attenuated, The successful prosecution of such problems requires broad re- sources which are neither provided the medical groups in being nor the environ- ment of the University. The long term survival of effective "medical" acti- vities in such a set of circumstances, is highly dubious, thus throwing into sharp relief a set of problems that must be solved by the University, its executive group and its senior faculty. Furhtermore, the changes in the University programs coupled with the program changes of the Foundation, i.e. their more or less total commitment to the international field and the closing of the I.H.D. laboratories at the University, have interacted to provide a radical change in basic operating relationships of these two Rockefeller organizations, Contrary to the continued prominence of social relevance in program formulation by the Foundation, the major thrust of the Institute's extension to a University has been toward scientific excellence of discrete research units in lively areas of biological and behavioral science as ends in themselves. 33. The elements of program that have emerged tend to increase the penetration of our understanding of many areas within these sciences but some obvious connections with many pressing problems of the real world have not been developed. It is important to note and indeed to emphasize that the addition of graduate education to the programs of the new University does not appear to have been determinative of the source of evolution of the institution. Rather, the determinative circumstances relate to the changes of research content of the institution and the broad development of biomedical research in other settings as the biomedical sciences have come of age during the past two decades. It is not unlikely though that graduate education suffers, as does the research itself, from overfractionation of the fields of endeavor. These views on the development of the University's programs in the past and their present opportunities can be briefly summarized in a simple series of statements and a simple series of propositions. 1, Against a rich background of achievement in the biomedical sciences and medicine, the Rockefeller Institute has evolved along lines that are a simple extension into practice of the recommendations of the advisory group in 1953. 2. Rapid growth has since taken place. This has involved a broad expansion of staff, the provision of more adequate resources and the formal introduction of pre-doctorate education; all of this was accomplished within the concept of a specialized university emphasizing the broad reaches of science with general relevance to medicine, broadly defined. 3. As a result of this development, the present University is composed of talented professionals with multiple discrete scientific objectives in the physical, biological, behavioral and medical sciences. 34, 4, The thrust of science in general during the past decade has re- sulted in the definition of many problem areas in both biology and medicine, the social importance of which is only matched by their complexity. This in turn has created opportunities which are beyond the capability of small to moderate sized individual research groups, and poses questions as to the reasonableness of extending into the future some of the operating conventions of the past. An alternative, is to determine whether there are broad pur- poses which, if accepted by a number of new and old groups, might serve as healthy integrative forces for a portion of the University's program. 5. A search for such program purposes should be undertaken with several objectives and several principles in mind. Relative to objectives: e These should be considered within a scientific context that gives particular emphasis to ongoing activities. e But other opportunities should also be examined looking less to short term (0-5 year) developments than to middle range (5-10 year) and long range possibilities. e These considerations should be modulated by an indepen- dent appraisal of the relevance of the programs considered to societal need. e Advantages should be taken, in any redirection of a portion of the University's program, of the opportunity this may provide in reacquiring real and continuing con- tact with the programs of the Rockefeller Foundation. Relative to the principles: e Research of excellence such as is conceived requires scientific leadership of a high order and broad com- mitment of a number of cooperating units of work to some common purposes. This cannot be directed in the ordinary sense of the word nor be effectively imposed upon a scientific environment. e Further, the development of research programs around several general purposes should not be undertaken with the view of encompassing all or indeed the majority of scientists within the present intellectual community. Much of the present activities of the University should be supported for itself and because of the significance of the activity on the national scene, 35. 6. Concluding this section one can say that the University faces the general decisions noted above and the very specific decision which follows. The increasing complexity of the more medical sciences is quite obvious, Applying such considerations to the present medical activities of the Univer- sity one can only conclude that the resources now available to these groups are generally non-competitive with their counterpart in the University. Nor are the resources adequate to satisfy the medical portions of most of the large programs that would appear particularly suited to the environment. If it is not possible to expand the scope of these more medically related ac~ tivities and improve the resources available to groups involved, they should be closed out as the result of definitive executive action. They should not be permitted to decay through processes of attrition. Some of the medical areas do not now possess the critical mass of scientists or the resources necessary for the continuation of an effective program even with limited objectives. Alternatively a salvage operation might consider the remedy of some of the major deficiencies through collaborative arrangements with other institutions. But , while this might solve the immediate resource problem, it should not be considered to be a permanent solution to the problem. 36. IV Great Problems The truly great problems of today do not derive from science. Some follow success, such as population growth incidental to control of disease and temporarily at least, a more adequate food supply; or, the uncontrolled use of science based technologies and a consequent despoilment of the en- vironment. Still others derive from the affluence of some nations which accompanies technological excellence, and the lack of an ability of other nations to achieve an acceptable level of self-sufficiency. Only portions of these problems can be stated in terms of the oppor- tunities for scientific advance. Contained within the life sciences is the opportunity for fundamental changes in our comprehension of biological and behavioral phenomena such as may result from the development of clarifying generalizations useful in unifying what now are quite diverse areas of effort. The central role of cell information systems in our understanding of many problems is certainly one of these of recent orjgin. The infectious origin of much disease is another; this evolving in the final quarter of the last century. When viewed in this light, it is possible to list some important areas of ignorance in the life sciences, Some samples with particular biomedical parameters can be stated in terms of disease; Mental health and mental retardation, Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer and, Debilitating diseases of the Central Nervous System. 37. In terms of biological or behavioral phenomena; Human development, Environmental degradation and, Population growth and its consequences, Or, in terms of the inadequate operation of particularly relevant systems; Medical education and the Delivery of health services. Several features are apparent in such a partial listing. The items are simply translatable into a set of very broad purposes which can be utilized in the development of research programs. With such broad purposes, the de- rived programs will be comparable broad and obviously complex and only suited for analysis in terms of national needs and their satisfaction. They are less useful as a guide to the specific development of institutions. Nonetheless, a broad comprehension of national needs and the roles science may play in their satisfaction must be well understood by scientists generally if science is not to be considered a thing apart from society, and lacking in relevance to societal need. Relevance when used in this context is not a "tired" and meaningless term, Rather, when properly used, it can be a conceptual strength in providing a rational base for a broad effort and in the design of institu- tional programs contained within the larger national effort. For, though a set of national needs may have little consequence to the day to day activities of the individual scientist, and the satisfactions he derives, they can have meaning to institutions within which science is pur- sued on a massive scale, In this view, the institutional setting for science, can be characterized by randomness or by serious purpose; and the personality of the institution will be largely determined by the extent to which either of these views is dominant. Generally speaking, though the excellence of an individual scientific activity may bear no relation to the presence or absence 38, of explicit institutional purposes, the latter may be important in deter- mining the sense of institution within the intellectual community. Despite these caveats on utility; the simple listing of major problems with medical dimensions is useful. Particularly when expanded to encompass more specific items within a general problem. An examination of these can provide some interconnections of narrow areas of endeavor which are useful in the consideration of broader programs which may be suitable for a single institutional setting. As examples of opportunity, cardiovascular disease and human development will be briefly discussed, Then brief consideration will be given to some non-categorical areas of science. Cardiovascular Diseases —- Atherosclerosis. Problems posed by the car- diovascular diseases can be accommodated within a consideration of a small number of specific disease conditions; atherosclerosis, hypertension and a C-V disability due to infection. These diseases are the direct cause of approximately 1.0 million deaths a year, atherosclerosis alone accounting for about half the total, and are said to produce disability in about 30 million people in the United States, But there is little purity in such an analysis. For example, disability due to atherosclerosis is commonly attended by the concurrent problems of the retina, the heart and the kidney. Further, diabetes, a metabolic disease, is prominant in the causation of atherosclerosis and together these two make substantial contributions to the overall toll of disability and death, To complicate the matter further, there is no doubt that obesity contributes to the incidence of atherosclerosis and hypertension as well as to that of diabetes. 39. Nonetheless, out of this complex of related diseases, certain unifying concepts have emerged in the past twenty years which provide a solid base for systematic exploration, There can be no doubt that the atherosclerotic process has as a basic biological underpinning, disturbances in metabolism with spin offs in the interconversion of food stuffs on the one hand and de- parture from the normal in the transport of lipid on the other. It is equally evident that this complex of diseases are modifiable by diet, drugs and hor- mones. Undoubtedly the "disease" atherosclerosis represents a "final common path" which has its origin in diverse biological phenomena. Included in these diverse biological phenomena there seems to be certain biological sus- ceptibilities which are transferred from parent to child by poorly understood genetic information systems. The most striking examples of this are to be found in familial lipid diseases and in diabetes, There is no doubt that the systems involved in these diseases are quite complex but not such as can be expected to defy their ultimate eluci- dation. Indeed, the very complexity of the systems underlying these disease manifestations, their coupling with other biological phenomena that result from specific disturbances in metabolism provide an array of biological models amenable to searching biological and chemical manipulation, The ultimate solution of the problems of atherosclerosis may well be the development of information which permits their rational management by a combination of reasonable diet and the specific addition of accessory food factors comparable in general conception to vitamins. But these latter sub- stances, not being essential for normal development, would be directed toward the modification of either metabolic or lipid transport mechanisms or both. 40. A characteristic of contemporary research in this area is the general lack of comprehensive programs that can provide a realistic approach to an obviously complex biological problem, This is understandable but makes little sense when the broad opportunity is considered, Human Development, similarly, is a problem which is inclusive of many and diverse activities. Nonetheless, it can provide a philosophical center around which a variety of problems undertaken within indivividual institu- tions can be given broad meaning. One such set of related activities might be grouped around the phenomena associated with the initial phases of human development, In this case, con- cern might be evidenced for fertility, fertility control and the associated phenomena of implantation and early pregnancy. Programs of this general type would necessarily find expression in the study of the physiological circum- stances of conception and early development as well as the examination of agents and devices which are candidates for the limitation of offspring. Logically these latter studies would include the systematic study of the ac- ceptability, the effectiveness and the hazards of procedures utilized less as a statistical exercise than in terms of the biological and physiclogical systems involved. Such an approach would not envisage the establishment of the massive studies. These are not suited for a single institution and though they have both practical and scientific interest are more suitably conducted within a national frame of reference. It may be of practical importance to note that the National Heart and Lung Institute has recently formed a committee to enquire into the problem with a view to the development of a ten year program. This committee, which first met on July 9, 1970 will be operational for about one year. A certain consequence of this action will be a diversion of funds, even in the face of a general shortage, to the support of well conceived programs in the area, 41. The later stages of development are equally exciting. Although our ignorance of these happenings are greater than our knowledge, it is quite clear that mammalian development is a continuum which encompasses both the fetal and early childhood periods. This latter type of development has in- creasingly occupied the interest of the biologist and behavioral scientists alike. However, joint undertakings by these two groups of scientists are few. Biologists, in their increasing concern with the sequential phenomena attendant on development, have grouped their activities about a number of discrete nodes. Some of these are concerned with: e The development of immunological competence, both humoral and cellular, and the separate and combined relation of these to the susceptibility of the developing mammal to infectious disease. e The development of primary and secondary sex characteristics, the interaction of these to the details of the development of the CNS in utero and the plasticity of postnatal growth as this is influenced by early manipulation of the endocrinological en- vironment of the developing mammal. e The postnatal development of the CNS, an obviously unfinished organ at birth, and the effect of envjronmental influences on both the architecture and functional capabilities of the brain and the reflection of these in behavioral phenomena. e The development of new animal model systems which permit earlier access to the developing mammal for a wide variety of biological purposes, During the past several years, working colonies of marsupials (usually the oppossum) have been developed and are just being introduced into biological studies as a standardized biological form, The behavioral scientists have recently found the processes of early development even more intriguing in studies which include a variety of model systems, (birds, rodents, primates, humans). It is clear that the behavioral characteristics of the adult and indeed his intellectual capacity is largely influenced by events happening in the early days, months and years of life. 42, But again, the phenomena examined to date serve more to define the importance of this period of development and its suitability for a wide array of behavioral studies than to clarify the underlying mechanisms involved. Land marks in this area are important though few in number. The most striking involve the phenomenon of “behavioral imprinting," the sequential determination of sex characteristics, and the demonstration of the early and definitive influence of early social experience on intellectual development. These general aspects of human development (i.e. the study of the early period) are available for profitable exploration by both biologists and be- havioral sciences particularly as joint enterprises. The opportunities in these areas are great and the information to be derived so important to concepts of child development and the structuring of the child's early edu- cational experiences that much more serious consideration must be given to the field. This type of emphasis most generally requires the declaration of institutional purposes since the resources required for definitive pro- grams are both extensive and costly. (See also Section 111),) There are other areas of equal importance that are particularly notable in the circumstances surrounding human development, two of which relate to nutrition; one the genesis of chronic obesity, another the association of poor early nutrition and a limitation on intellectual development, Both of these have high scientific content and at the same time the information derived from studies will have very practical consequences. 1 such a broad series of studies having as their ultimate purpose a more rational understanding of the educational process would be of direct concern to the Office of Education, the newly developing National Insti- tutes of Education, and the Ford Foundation. 43 | In a very general way, it can be shown that poorly nutured offspring develop to small size at maturity and, at least in the case of the human, are thought to suffer intellectual handicaps not remediable at a later age. The obvious impact of such a set of circumstances on the inadequately nur- tured minorities in this country and citizens of whole nations abroad is clear and of first order importance; that is, of course if it can be shown to be indubitably true. But considering human development from a mechanistic point of view, an intriguing problem emerges. It is likely, in the progressive unfolding of the information system in sequential development, certain stages of CNS development are particularly vulnerable to biochemical insult, and quite likely the insult by one or more quite specific nutritional deficiencies. This can take place either in utero or postnatal development. Viewed as a parasite, it may be that the fetus is less susceptible if it can draw upon maternal tissue to satisfy its essential needs even in the presence of moderate maternal deprivation. This is a reasonable hypothesis and at least has the virtue of being amenable to examination, in experimental animal model systems and in the human. During the postnatal period however, when the plastic nervous system can be influenced by a variety of environmental influences, the situation is quite different. The reservoir of essential nutriment is limited to the dietary intake. Again, as a working hypothesis, it seems unlikely that the total caloric intake of the developing child is as important in CNS (and behavioral) development as the availability of quite specific nutrients during quite specific times in the development process. Alternatively, it is quite certain that a severe limitation on total caloric intake will divert otherwise essential nutrients to simple energy producing processes, 44, Importantly, these possibilities are amenable to fairly precise explora- tion in well organized biological and behavioral studies of child development. But, it is possible to expand almost endlessly the major problems attendent on early human development, Actually the term, though commonly used, has so broad a connotation as to be useless except for general conceptual purposes. One must pause at this point in the general presentation and remark: "But , what has all this to do with fundamental research." Such a remark might stem from those biologists who are quite right in believing that much of the growing edge of the biological sciences is concerned with the study of phenomena at a molecular level. And this is more than a fashionable comment to make. But here too, there are areas of science which can profit by a suitable selection of groups and scientific personnel with the view to utilize a broad problem as a loosely contrived integrative force. And as an aside and before exploring this point further, it may be said that the exploration of molecular phenomena will be essential for the ultimate understanding of many problems of human genetics, the definitive examination of agents which influence fertility, the elucidation of the se- quential phenomena of the determinative forces involved in cell growth and diffentiation and in organ development, as well as the details of the deter- minative forces that provide the biological base for intermediary metabolism and more particularly for lipid transport mechanisms. In these latter in- stances the techniques of the molecular biologists and his insight into biological processes become portions of a broader program with program pur- poses directed toward the elucidation of more complex systems, 45, But, to return to molecular biology as such, one can touch briefly on the operations of the systems concerned with DNA ----- > RNA ---~-— > protein replication systems. The operations of these systems are sufficiently in- triguing , important and complex to occupy the total intellectual capability of large numbers of scientists. And, there is no doubt that deeper insights into the fundamental characteristics of many important and vital biological systems will emerge. The studies can be wholly contained within their own physical and chemical context, and the interaction of such scientists is commonly with others work- ing at an even more fundamental level. The latter are concerned with the refinement of spectroscopy, crystalography, microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and complex organic synthesis so as to be able to define the physi- cal and chemical characteristics of individual system components, They may do this simply to understand the detailed structure of interesting biologi- cally active compounds or to learn the nature of the structure which permits it to perform some unique operation in the system from which it is derived. Such information is obviously important and essential if one is to under- stand the physical arrangements of the components of a system, These will, in turn, influence both the reaction kinetics, and the energetics of the system and the products that can be derived. The opportunities for progress in such endeavors are exciting and most certainly should be pursued. But provision for other studies in the field can also be made, These might deal with problems at much the same level of biological complexity but would be more concerned with the operation of these primary systems in the related fields of immunology, virology, genetics and the genetic basis of disease and disease susceptibility, Other studies could be undertaken 46, which relate to the implications of these systems to information processes. concerned with sequential phenomenon determining cell development, the phe- nomena of growth and its disturbances. Continuing this thought, and moving from the general and fundamental to more specific studies in the applied area, it is apparent that the results of such studies have application in the clarification of very abstruse prob- lems the solution of which is important for the prevention or management of serious disease. Likely condidates for such studies include the examination of these phenomena in relation to: e Metabolic disturbances which underlie a variety of molecular diseases generally characterized by mental retardation, by disturbances of lipid metabolism and its association with athero- sclerosis, diabetes and a number of other disease entities. e Immunological disturbances resulting in a number of autoimmune diseases. e Disturbances of growth, perhaps with a view to understand the process of carcinogenesis. With this brief background, a general point can be made. The normal mechanics of the evolution of new knowledge of a fundamental nature can be of several types. It may be restrictive, as in Model A : Model A Level 1 Application Application Application A B Cc Level 2 Paralell pindoheliey/ Paralell area Vahl Vi ! area a ns e { - @ Level 3 Component Component Component Study A Study B Study C 47. Or, it may be more general, reflecting the developments in the restrictive field but also providing for interconnections with other activities that reflect a broad purpose as in Model B: Model B Level 1 bprelis <—— > Application Application Level 2 u abil <—— 1 Level 3 Component Component =>. Component A B Cc Model B portrays a typical biomedical research program B pursued at the fundamental level 2, as an element in a more complex interactive series of related studies with logical bridges of activity laterally with adjacent fields, with more fundamental inquiry of the components of the system (level 3) and with the array of activities having interaction with one or more con- plex systems perhaps associated with human biology in health or in disease, (level 1). In such a situation..the decision that must be made by an institution is quite clear. It may conclude that the associated fields are progressing as rapidly as can be expected through the normal interplay of scientific forces. Alternatively, the institution may conclude that it can, through the judicial selection of purposes and the meaningful allocation of resources provide for substantial increase of the effectiveness of a fundamental field and at the same time, subserve one or more general purpose. The quality of the science may be excellent in either case. However, if the latter de- cision is made the institution has acquired a general purpose beyond the 48, Simple exploration of the biologically unknown. Importantly too, it can provide broader resources for a set of related activities which share some common purposes than when each activity is carried on in isolation one from another, Few scientists doubt the ability to plan a move from a specific obser- vation to a more fundamental level of enquiry in order to explore the general phenomena involved in an initial discovery. However, scientists are too fre- quently skeptical about the effectiveness of planned development of broadly associated fields. It must be admitted that the latter is a harder end to achieve, and also that attempts in this direction are speculative. It is nonetheless clear that spectacular insights to quite fundamental problems are not infrequently derived from very complex systems when these are readily available. Recent observations within the DNA -—---- => RNA --> -—> protein system make this quite clear. The key to this system, the ramifications of which have dominated bio- logical thought during the past quarter of a century, was derived from a qualitative observation on a complex system, i.e. the conversion of one strain of pneumococcus to another which bred true, through the use of a specific nucleic acid. The unravelling of the structure of DNA, the concept of a system with RNA having a template relationship both to DNA and the derived proteins, the relation of all these to structural elements within the cell, and the complex of specific enzymes essential for the catalysis of these reactions, were all high adventure and required an extraordinary biochemical and biophysical effort. The effort literally involved hundreds of scientists, both in competition and in collaboration with one another. Yet, there were other contributions which 49, were essential and which were derived from a study of more complex systems. Some of these were concerned with metabolic phenomena of bacteria and their dependent viruses, and the demonstration of the biological characteristics of naked DNA and the modification of DNA viruses in the cancer field with a controlled exchange of protein coats. These were indeed very complicated phenomena to arrange for and to interpret but they gave much point to the studies that were limited to the isolated systems themselves. Other equally important data of a qualitative nature have been derived from the applied fields. One was the introduction into the cell information system the genome of a virus that itself otherwise disappears, A more recent occurrence is demonstration of the reverse of the DNA -~~-- > RNA process, with the availability of RNA dependent DNA polymerase, and the finding that this is the property of a number of cancer producing RNA viruses. Demonstrated first for the virus of Rous sarcoma, then for the virus of Rausher mouse leukemia, it is now known to characterize the RNA of at least six RNA tumor viruses. It would appear that the core of each of these contains an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase capable of constructing DNA. This reverse channel of information permits the derived DNA to serve as a pro virus or intermediate in the replication of the RNA virus. This is an extra- ordinary finding which has broad implications in several reaches of biology, particularly in immunology, quite apart from its impact on problems contained within the cancer field. There is no doubt that major and striking advances at a fundamental level are attributable more to individual insight (or to serendipity) than to the details of a planned scientific environment, But this need not be taken as the exclusive principle for the design of scientific organizations, 50, It is equally true that providing resources are broad, and this is important, many fundamental advances can be anticipated to derive from the persistent pursuit of a general purpose in systems that may be quite complex, In many cases the signal changes have come from laboratories with broad purposes, with many and diverse biological models and an interesting mix of scientific personnel, Most of these characteristics can be developed in large groups or in intimately interacting groups of smaller size. In either case, the resources required for an effective effort are quite broad. There is probably no single lesson to be learned from these exciting developments that has relevance to the administration of scientific organi- zations other than the importance of providing for such intimate interaction within the operation of the institution when this is possible. The effec- tiveness of an individual scientist and the quality of his endeavor at a fundamental level may have little dependence on the arrangements within the institution, The effectiveness of his work is frequently due to the opera- tion of a number of "invisible colleges." In such a situation the develop- ment of parallel activities and those in the more applied fields are not then the particular responsibility of any one institution, they are more the result of the random operation of a set of forces within the mechanics of science itself, But the problems for the institutional management are still quite clear. In the case of a biomedical research enterprise, broad problems in medicine can be supported as a collection of discrete scientific activities pursued as ends in themselves; or resources can be allocated in a fashion that provides a more purposeful setting for the interaction of some of these scientific forces within a limited number of selected program areas. Sl. Which is the wiser view. [It is likely that the wisdom of an institu- tion will be most manifest in its ability to select the areas which will benefit most by each method. Most certainly, many require some organization is only to provide the biological resource; some of these will benefit by a joining together of several groups in a common effort; other areas may not profit by such arrangements. This section probably does not warrant any summary treatment - at. least not of a substantive nature. The material discussed reflects more of a point of view concerning the varied opportunities in the biomedical field than a simple statement of what it is important to do. Then also, it reflects the view that the major problems suited for medicine and its related institutions are complex, and that most would profit by some consideration of order and organization in the allocation of resources with a clear understanding of the purposes to be subserved., It states that some of these should be stated in social as well as scientific terms; but there are other types of activity which should be viewed as parts of broader programs, the individual pieces of which acquire purpose only when the whole is,viewed within the far reaches of science. Finally, it reflects the view that the excellence of an effort and its importance is not derived from the level (i.e. fundamental, applied or developmental) at which it is pursued. Fundamental research can be trivial; applied and developmental work revolutionary in its impact on science. An institution should have a mix of programs when viewed in this general manner; it will profit by few programs with broad resources, than many which are inadequately supported; its reputation and its character will reflect both its purposes and the intelligence with which these purposes are pursued; but purposes it must possess if it is to have character and these must be well understood, 52, Vv Some Program Proposals This section includes a brief discussion of several considerations pertinent to the planning of further University development. Then a series of program proposals are made and each briefly discussed. Each proposal has fundamental science as its base but includes the application of new knowledge to a broad human problem, Taken as a group, they are examples of the type of program development that is both possible and desirable. The proposals may have as their major utility the presentation of a point of view that can serve as the basis for general discussions. Nonetheless, each proposal is believed to be reasonable, to have a sound base in existing science and if implemented, would benefit the University. General Considerations Institutional planning is a process, which to be effective, must include the development of proposals which are quite explicit. However, the process of planning is complex and complicated. Proposals which suggest new dimen- sions for The University should be made with the view to evoke discussion of basic institutional purposes; not as a series of propositions easily conver- ted into a blueprint to guide executive action. The process of change can be exciting or dull; and resented or accepted by the intellectual community depending, perhaps, less on the substance of change than on how this is effected, and the resulting influence on the scientific environment of the institution. 53. In the planning for institutional development there is obviously an overriding consideration. This relates to how major program innovation is likely to influence the character of the institution over the middle and long range period. Generally speaking, it is difficult, and usually not de- sirable to "turn an institution around” except in the case of institutions that have run out of a mission or when its program content is judged to be inadequate. Such circumstances may be particularly important in the review of mission oriented agencies of an official or an industrial nature. They do not usually obtain for educational institutions except where senior ap- pointments over a decade or so have been unfortunate, whose resources for modern science are inadequate or when it is clear that a new dimension of science would be advantageous to the institution. The first two of these three characteristics do not obtain for the programs of The Rockefeller Uni- versity. The prospect of further program evolution for the University, can be in the light of changes in the nature of its programs and changes in the prospects of science since the last systematic studies in 1952. The review should examine the basic program and the propositions which were held to be determining for institutional development at that time. Were the same type of review undertaken today, would these same propositions be given equal weight as a basis for change as in the earlier period. Viewed in this light, most of the principles were obviously sound, though the details of others would probably be stated differently today. In this view, program change and the modification of institutional ob- jectives are viewed within a continuum of program evolution subject to periodic study bty administration and faculty alike. Such an institutional review re- quired no formal mechanisms in the earlier times. Programs were smaller, less 54, complicated, and fewer in number. The program resources were largely derived from endowment and support of the entire enterprise was at a much more modest level, Systematic program review was both possible and effective incidental to the annual consideration of budgets, and the turnover of institutional staff was quite low. It was possible, under those circumstances, for the objectives and programs of the institution to be easily comprehended, without recourse to formal reporting techniques, by an interested senior group of the faculty, the Director and The Board of Trustees. It was further possible for programs to be modified almost imperceptibly and progressively within a body of a slowly changing science, But those circumstances no longer obtain in the University: nor do they in other settings where research is pursued as a primary institutional objec- tive. Also, contrary to common comment, changes that are increasingly apparent in research organizations relate less to the origin of research support than to the size, complexity and substance of the programs, to the pace of present scientific discovery, and in the magnitude of the resources now necessary for a productive enterprise. In the case of The Rockefeller University, these changes have had a particular impact due to the rapid evolution of the bio- logical and clinical sciences during the past two decades, and the disappearance of the hard barriers that heretofore separated the biological from the beha~ vioral sciences. These changes are fundamental and have largely occurred since the last major review. Considering these happenings, it is appropriate to pose questions, the answers to which will have immediate impact on the direction of program development. 55. The first relates to the general purposes of The University. Should The University continue to consider itself a specialized university, the pro- grams of which will continue to emphasize those aspects of science which have particular relevance to the human in both health and disease. One must be quite explicit in developing an answer to this question since in the final analysis all science has relevance to the human species, the betterment of his existence, an improvement in the circumstances of living and his under- standing of both himself and the world about him, The question is more simple and more blunt. Its major thrust concerns whether the University will continue to emphasize objectives with a medical connotation in the forefront of its Planning; and whether it will develop its more fundamental programs in a fashion that provides a sound science base and a lively scientific environment for the pursuit of other acticities of a more applied nature; and whether ample provision will be made for the latter programs that have direct rele- vance to an understanding of human development and the maintenance of health as well as the understanding of disease, its prevention, amelioration and cure, In arriving at an answer to this quite fundamental question it must be understood that concepts of medicine have been considerably broadened, since the establishment of the Institute at the turn of the century, and importantly, since the examination of the Institute in the early fifties. The biomedical sciences now encompass the broad application of information from the behav-— ioral as well as the biological sciences for the betterment of man, the phe-~ nomenon of human development, and the impact of an increasingly hostile environment on the human within broad ecological considerations. The major question relates to the extent that “health" and "medicine" are a major 56, directive force which will continue to be dominant in institutioanl planning - o av an answer to this question cannot be satisfied by disucssions more characterized by sophistry= than clarity. The second question relates to some of the procedures The University may find useful in the fulfillment of its purposes. As indicated earlier, the development of any broad field is largely dependent upon the random forces within the dynamics of a lively science. However, it is frequently possible, as a matter of institutional policy, to facilitate the interaction of discrete groups within a broader program with general but quite explicit purposes. An informational system; importantly, and in either case, it is likely that a more formal system of program examination is needed by The University for the provident expenditure of the funds available. It is likely that The University is of a size and complexity that requires an informational system that minimally will provide for the submission of relatively simple annual scientific reports by each of the senior faculty members. Each such report could reasonably contain in summary form: e A brief account of activities during the preceding year, ® A projection of the direction of program during the coming year within middle range (perhaps 5 years) expectations, e The current distribution of personnel and resources together with an estimate of their adequacy in relation to further program development, ° A brief discussion of collaboration with other scientific groups (within and external to The University) which may have influenced the course of development and the desira- bility of undertaking collaborative activity in the future. 1 Sophistry - deceptively subtle reasoning or argumentation ~ Webster. 57. The report might also contain the statistics of the operation relative to dollars expended, sources of support, and personnel changes. The bulk of this information can be supplied from a central source, Such a reporting system would have many uses for the administration. It would provide a firm factual base for a consideration of the operation by the senior faculty, the executive officers of The University and its Board of Trustees. In that the assembled reports would be highly substantive in nature, they would be useful for planning purposes and in the allocation of resources. Such a set of reports are an essential for any reasonable ex- pansion of the activities of The University. Quite apart from the utility of such information for internal use, The University must have a more factual account of the ongoing activity if serious consideration is to be given The University by prospective donors, Actually, an informational system such as is proposed, is an essential for the prudent management of the resources available quite apart from the utilization or resource allocation as an instrument of policy in the evolu- tion of new institutional programs. An informational base is always both essential and important for the allocation of resources in any situation not characterized by unlimited funds. The point to be emphasized is that the informational base must be sound if the intellectual community as a whole is to reap the greatest benefit from the resources available, The fact that The University receives approximately 40 percent of its support from sources other than endowment makes such a factual basis for programming all the more important, if the overall enterprise is to achieve the long term stability essential for a productive program. 58. Program Proposals Several programs are proposed for initial consideration. Each would add a new dimension to the intellectual community; each would require new physical resources; each would result in new operating relations within the metropolitan community; and each has as its end purpose the solution of a set of human problems. Consideration of these problems may be helpful in the broad definition of institutional purposes, Research in reproduction.