ay “fas fv 0 ep pho SIDNEY FARBER Cone nn Sele HARVARD See Coes. CANCER INSTITUTE Pans ae Gn ame 44 BINNEY STREET BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 02115 _ Orr, —- & 8 oF ye pats RUTH SAGER, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF CELLULA CHIEF, DIVISION OF GENETICS DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 617-732-3380 AND MOLECULAR GENETICS December 12, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University York Avenue and 66th Street New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: It was great to re-establish contact with you after all these years. I wish first to congratulate you not only on the Rockefeller appointment, but also on your appointment as Chairman of the Presidents Cancer Panel. The cancer field needs a strong advocate for basic research, and I have great confidence in your understanding of the problem, and in your abilities as a powerful advocate. Art Pardee and I were wondering if you would be interested in visiting the Sidney Farber Cancer Institute, and if so, how we might facilitate your visit. Several options come to mind. The visit could be as formal or informal, as structured or not as you wish, could include discussions with individuals and/or groups, depending upon your interests, and of course a seminar could be arranged if you felt so inclined. On the personal side, we would be delighted if you would stay with us while you are in Boston. As they say in Japan, from whence we have just returned, we would try to make you comfortable in our humble home. Sincerely, “¥° an pce nv vt mn professcr"Or Cellular Genetics REE a e iN we Sy ee ie yo JIMMY FUND CHARLES A. DANA MICHAEL AEDSTONE RESEARCH LABORATORIES CANCER CENTER LABORATORIES FOR ANIMAL RESEARCH