( ommuttee.ofaThousan FE for Better Health Regulations In Formation Suite 410 * 600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., Washington,D.C. 2003 Honorary Chairman: 28. 197 Maurice B. Visscher June > 9 Co-Chairmen: Chauncey D. Leake* Alton Ochsner GUL 19 1979 ~ Organizing Committee: pre en Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Dana Farnsworth Adjunct Professor of Genectics in Medicine Daniel X. Freedman Cornell University Medical College Edward D.- Freis 1300 York Avenue Louis Lasagna New York, NY 10021 Jules H. Masserman E. M. Papper . Linus Pauling Dear Dr. Lederberg: A. Szent-Gyorgyi Roger J. Williams . . . . . Exerutive Secretary: More than ten years ago Professor Maurice Visscher first voiced James M. Menger, Jr. his concern over improper government intervention into research Committee in formation and therapeutics. Subsequent developments have confirmed his fears. As a result, a number of leaders of medicine, members of medical school faculties and research institutions are forming a Committee of a Thousand. The goal is to clarify essential principles for proper government regulatory activities in the field of research and medicine and to identify problems that have arisen and dangers that should be avoided. If you agree with it, simply signing the Manifesto would make you a member of the Committee of a Thousand (an envelope for returning signed Manifesto is enclosed). The Executive Committee will then seek, within the Manifesto's context, to represent the views it expresses at congressional hearings, at government health agencies and, where relevantys to the press and public. If, in addition to being a member of the Committee, you would like to assist in the formation of the Committee, please indicate your desire by checking the box "I would like to help". We respectfully request your review of the enclosed Manifesto. L At present, the Committee seeks professional, faculty and academic participation. Over 150 professors and "distinguished professors", who are also chairmen of their departments, have already signed the Manifesto which thus far has only been sent to some thirty medical schools. A list of these new members of the Committee is also enclosed. Your joining our Committee will be welcomed. Sincerely, James M. Mm Nhe Jr. pe Executive Secretary *Deceased