¢ Mag a 36 RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT * NEW BRUNSWICK * NEW JERSEY « 08903 201/932-7454 . res ; Lt a February 2, 1979 C ./ jaagpud 2) No. / cee | Dear Josh: “ff ys It is with the greatest pleasure that, on the authority of the Board of Governors of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, I invite you to accept the honorary degree of Doctor of Science at the University's Commencement Exercises on Thursday, May 24, 1979. For the past several years the University has invited some of our honorary degree candidates to participate in a Colloquium the day before Commencement. This has proved to be an exciting intellectual event for the faculty and students and it has also served to add a welcome academic dimension to the grant- ing of honorary degrees. Previous participants have uniformly expressed their pleasure in the event and appreciated the opportunity to visit with their fellow participants and members of the staff, faculty and students of the University. This year the Board of Governors has decided to recognize the Centennial Year of Light and Thomas A. Edison by focusing on invention and technology and their effects on society. A faculty committee is currently developing specific aspects of the Colloquium and will be sending you a number of questions appropriate for the topic but I will be happy to receive any suggestions you may have. The Board of Governors is pleased to take care of travel expenses and housing while at the University and to offer an honorarium to participants in the Colloquium. Arrangements for Commencement day are still being worked out by our Commencement Committee and as soon as they are completed I will send you full details. You may be interested to know that the names of honorary degree recipients are kept confidential until announced by the Board of Governors in April. May I add my own personal hope that you will be able to accept this invitation to receive the honorary degree and to participate in our Colloquium and may I also tell you how delighted we will be if you are able to do so. With all good wishes, Sincerely, ye conte Edward J. Bloustein ga OE President -Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics : Stanford University a Stanford, California 94305 , eat! OM neces geen hook ee oe ce ene ce nT