os ( 1 1989 Studies tn the Creative Process \e JUN2 . Pe of THE presto ALBERT ROTHENBERG, M.D., Principal investigator Mailing Address: AUSTEN RIGGS CENTER, INC. STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. 01262 Director of Research, Austen Riggs Center Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University Phone: 413/298-5511 June 15, 1989 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President 1230 York Avenue Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: It has been many years since we last talked and I have thought many times during that period of your helpful comments to me regarding my research. I am currently organizing a symposium on "Metaphor in Science" for the next meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in New Orleans, February twelfth through fifteenth, 1990 and wondered if you might be interested in participating. I have asked Gerald Holton to contribute his perspective on metaphor in physics and wondered whether you would consider doing a similar task for biology. Other participants will be a philosopher and a cognitive psychologist who have contributed extensively to the understanding of metaphor and metaphorical communication. With best wishes and thanks in advance*for your kind reply, Sincerely, Albert Rothenberg, M.D. / wv nl AR: wm 269 - e & Deo. Ce-A 273 (Hod fo hes rm ; bt Prot