EZRA LOZINSKI, M.D.,M.Sc. E. Lozinski 4300 de Maisonneuve Blvd. Ww. Apartment 610 514 - 934.0233 Montreal, Canada H3Z 1K8 Feb, 9, 1981 Prof. Joshua Lederberg, President, Rockéfeller University, 1230 York Ave. at 66th St, New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Professor Lederberg, The undersigned, and Miriam (Mrs. S.) Roland, who I believe is known to you, are members of the Adult Education Committee of the Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in Montreal. Our Congre- gation, which has a membership of about 1600 families, this year marks its 135th Anniversary and a number of events are planned to celebrate this occasion. At a recent meeting of the Adult Education Committee it was suggested that our programs in addition to Judaica, should include topics in the political and scientific field in which the Saverage" erudite person has an interest and needs author- itative guidance. At this point,Genetic Engineering was mentioned as a very *tdmélytopic. Mrs. Roland and I were assigned the task of implementing this proposal. Would you consider giving a lecture in our community hall on this subject to which the general public would be invited? A suggested title is: Genetic Engineering Fiction,Fact and Future or . Fancy, Fact and Future Of course any title you would prefer would be acceptable. Should this proposal find favour with you, we have two dates from which you may choose - Wed. May 13, 1981 or Wed. May 27, 1981, We will, of course, assume the expenses of yourself and your wife should she choose to come. A modest honorarium is also available although I cannot, at this time, say what this would be. Perhaps you might have a suggestion. May I hope that you will find it possible to accept this invit- at ion . a 4 / — a f . A ~< Yourg sincerely, Ya OE a? r E. Lozinski (.