- gowerenicn ui, me * oe 7 (APR.1? 1981 Or Wares wenegs em LCE og iS THE PRESS 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020 Telephone: (212) 397-0500 Western Union Telex: 12436 _ bec Inc. April 16, 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, N. Y. 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: You were indeed kind to send me the notes following up on our previous conversations. I was particularly interested in Dr. Graham Purchase's remarks which I shall pass on to our scientific associates. It is particularly relevant that we identified Dr. Schoffner at the University of Minnesota as being involved in embryo transplant work. There is not a great deal to report on additional contacts. I have been to Cornell to meet with the Boyce Thompson Institute and the agricultural faculty. Frank Cherms has been trying to contact Dr. Schoffner and I believe that Fred Schultz continues to press for contacts at Davis. To date I do not think we have had any good leads at Stanford, . We are pointing towards conclusions by the end of June and I will certainly will be back to you as we go along. Best regards. we Sincere ty, J rs, “ Rodman C. Rockefeller