frames United States Science and Agricultural Research Beltsville, Maryland ae) Department of Education National Program Staff 20705 Agriculture Administration March 31, 198] Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 1002] Dear Dr. Lederberg: poultry breeding. Because of the backlog, the printout will take several weeks. As soon as I have obtained it and have screened it for you, I will be in communication with you again. O and also to obtain printouts of research in molecular and cell biology in In the area of molecular biology and poultry breeding, I believe Dr. L. B. Crittenden of the Regional Poultry Research Laboratory, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 (phone 301-372-1910), has made enormous contributions and is leading the field. Working with various collaborators, he has been involved in identifying the location of the genes for endogenous leukosis virus and has initiated a project on genetic engineering of these genes in chicken germ lines. He is also familiar with the recent work on the cloning of chicken ovalbumin and globin genes. I will supply you with further information on this aspect later. Dr. N. S. Fechheimer at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (phone 614- 422-6851) and Dr. R. N. Shoffner, at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 (phone 612-373-1488), are extensively involved in cell biology including chromosome mapping, ploidy, and transplantation of germ cells from one embryo to another. I hope to be able to get you more information on this later. T hope this preliminary communication will indicate to you the steps I have initiated to answer you request. I will be in communication with you again later. Sincere APR - 6 198! H.“GRAHAM PURCHASE oS - on Acting Chief ws ee _ Livestock & Veterinary Sciences Staff \ » DA: cc: , , Ar D. King H. Marks L. Crittenden