Rodman Rockefeller 3/24/81 MJZ 3/23/81 Promising starts I fully resonated with your letter of March 16. Certainly I would be most interested in your progress. In particular, if the suggestion to proceed primarily with the Minnesota group does not pan out please let me try to receive some alternatives that I put aside as taking more effort to get started. I should caution you that academic people are not always so sophisticated about thinking in advance of possible problems of proprietary conflict, and that you make a very clear arrangement about proprietary rights. May I ask you, if that is convenient, to keep your calendar open for the morning, perhaps through lunch, of Wednesday June 10. That would be for some of our faculty presentations to the University Council -- a rather special effort by some of my colleagues to communi- [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] cate their scientific work to some lay friends of the university. If that does not suit you, I will look for some other opportunities -- (that entail no added effort on our part!) -- by which to satisfy what I believe to be a deep interest on your part in the contemporary biological revolution. Sincerely, Joshua.