joc Le fEK ker, I | Memo/Reply From TO S JOSHUA LEDERBERG Mr. David Rockefeller May 11, 1979 Dear David: I very much appreciate your thinking of me for events like the luncheon for Prime Minister Ohira. They have intrinsic interest and im- portance, and are most helpful to my own lifelong education. And they are good occasions to encounter others who may eventually be helpful to the University. The Prime Minister's answer to my questions about Japan's role in assisting development, especially in health was not altogether persuasive. At best I am not aware that they have been so visible in international health: but my information may be de- fective or dated. At any rate, my thanks to you. Yours sincerely, wozh ua Lederberg Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, N.Y. 10021 (212) 360-1234 C] one. RETAINED © copy -REPLY FORM—