Se & The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry ars 3401 Walnut Street » Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228 « USA Ceara ee ta “, Telephone: (215) 898-4896 + Telefax: (215) 898-3327 SARS TS AMERICAN ta OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Director: Arnold Thackray 4 May 1993 Sr rater tee Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Emeritus Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 Dear Josh: The Beckman Center is exploring the possibility of sponsoring a post- doctoral researcher in the production of a scholarly study of the biotechnolo- gy industry since 1972. The proposal enclosed here maps out a version of this proposed study, and we are hoping that you will be able to comment on this proposal and help us improve it. As the pages of Science and other professional journals attest, in the 1990s it is difficult to find a molecular biologist who does not have a financial stake in marketing biotechnology. Our study will explore the meaning of this professional reality for the community of practicing molecular biologists. How have corporate interests shaped their work? And how have public policies and institutional constraints affected their choices? Most importantly, what can this story tell us about knowledge as property? We are tentatively planning to submit this proposal to the National Science Foundation in August. But before we do, we need to determine not only whether it is a reasonable plan, but also whether a suitable principal investigator can be recruited to join the Beckman Center's biomolecular sciences research team and write this historical study. We anticipate bringing in a post-doctoral researcher for a period up to three years, and we will obviously appreciate any suggestions you may be able to offer about suitable candidates. Thank you in advance for your help. May we hope to hear from you by 11 June? Sincerely, AT/c (A. lJ Enc.