EDITOR Arnold Thackray — ASSISTANT EDITORS Frances Kohler William Montgomery CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY John Neu ADVISORY EDITORS E, J. Aiton Joseph Ben-David Gert H. Brieger Stephen G. Brush Harold L. Burstyn Maurice P. Crosland Gerald L. Geison Margaret Gowing Loren R. Graham Thomas L. Hankins Margaret Jacob S. A. Jayawardene Edwin T. Layton David C. Lindberg John Major Ernan McMullin Mary Jo Nye Lewis Pyenson Charles Rosenberg Dorothy Ross A. 1. Sabra Cecil J. Schneer Steven Shapin G. J. Toomer PREVIOUS EDITORS George Sarton |. Bernard Cohen Harry Woolf Robert P. Multhauf COMMITTEE ON ISIS John G. Burke Ruth Schwartz Cowan Camille Limoges Michael S. Mahoney Barbara G. Rosenkrantz Z INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ‘THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND ITS CULTURAL INFLUENCES FOUNDED IN 1912 IN BELGIUM BY GEORGE SARTON OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 215 SOUTH 34th STREET/D6, PHILADELPHIA 19104, U.S.A. 17; ‘t IAPR 7 1980, eer 9 ECE oF THe PRES 27 March 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: I would like to see a review of Scientometrics in Isis, to alert our readers to the growing importance of work in this field. Would you be willing to write such a review? Our standard reviews wet limited to 700 words but, should you feel so inclined, the subject might well warrant an essay review (1500 to 2000 words). Among questions you might like to discuss briefly are the aims and ambitions of this new journal, the possibilities of and limitations in quantitative study of science, and your personal hopes for the whole enterprise. Obviously, the review should connect with the interests and concerns of historians on the one side, and scientists on the other. In hope of tempting you, AS ever, (Aol af AT/c ms