INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20418 ( FREDERICK C. ROBBINS, M. D. Z November 24, 1980 PRESIDENT Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York NY 10021 Dear Josh: As you are undoubtedly aware, the Institute of Medicine has been holding a series of conferences on biomedical research policy sponsored by the Charles H. Revson Foundation. The summaries of the proceedings of these conferences are near completion, and we are asking the Institute Council to help us in the review of these summaries. In addition, the Advisory Committee to the Division of Health Sciences Policy will be receiving draft copies. However, I believe that it is necessary that one member of Council be designated as principal reviewer of each conference summary. Your expertise and broad view has led me to select you as principal reviewer for the summary of the conference “Implications of Environmental/Genetic Interactions", and I hope very much that you will agree to do so. The summaries are not as complex or as lengthy as a study committee report, of course, but we need a critical eye to be sure that the important implications of the discussion are included and that the summary is as useful as possible. I know that this is an extremely busy period for you but hope that you will be able to undertake this task nevertheless. If you accept, the report of your review would be due back to us approximately two weeks after you receive the summary (in the first part of December). I will be away from my office until the week of December 8; if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Elena Nightingale (202/389-6721) or the Staff Officer for this project, Vicki Weisfeld (202/389-6947). I appreciate your consideration of this request. Best regards. Sincerely yours, ~~ — a a oa “Sa a Deas Exul _ oS aA oe erg © 1; sae ed 4 DAWA adel bel Ww iaee ol Jeti, 1) ws * ew pete