INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20418 ws (MAR 11 1900 Pree OF THE PRESS” March 3, 1980 DAVID A. HAMBURG, M.D. PRESIDENT MEMBERS, INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE Dear Colleague: It is a great pleasure to inform you that Frederick C, Robbins, M.D., Dean of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and Nobel Laureate, has accepted the presidency of the Institute of Medicine commencing upon the completion of my five- year term next fall. Enclosed is the public announcement of Dr. Robbins’ appointment by Dr. Philip Handler, President of the National Academy of Sciences. The release is being issued to the news media simultaneously with my message to you. MInstal- lation will take place at the 1980 IOM Annual Meeting on October ; 1S and 16. I hope as many of you as possible will be there for on™ this very gratifying occasion. Pred has been deeply committed to the tasks of the Institute. He spent a year here as Senior Scholar in Residence while on sabbatical from Case Western Reserve in 1977-1978, and during that time served with distinction as chairman of the study of saccharin and food safety policy carried out by the Institute and the Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council. Previously he was vice chairman of the committee that conducted the study of poliomyelitis vaccines, and he has served on other study committees. He is currently a member of the IOM Council and of its Executive Committee. He was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1972. He has a thorough understanding of the objectives and mechanisms of the Institute and of the NAS, and his outstanding personal qualities are known to many of you. tT am sure you will join with me in thanking Dr. William Danforth, Chairman of the Search Committee, and the members of that committee--Robert Ball, Theodore Cooper, Joshua Lederberg, Margaret Mahoney, Robert Petersdorf, Mitchell Spellman and Rosemary Stevens--for their hard work in identifying suitable leadership for the Institute. They have clearly succeeded in their efforts, and all of us are in their debt. This is an exciting time in the life of the Institute. The future holds great promise under Fred's guidance. His range of accomplishments as physician, scientist, educator, adminis- trator, and advisor to government matches the breadth of MEMBERS, INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE March 3, 1980 Page 2 the Institute's mission. I know that you will give him the same support and counsel that you have so generously given me during the past four and one-half years. With every good wish, © Ci Bee Enclosure