Oy vy 5/ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY =\ University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK,NY 19021 o Za “ $* October 28, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. Byron P. Connell Chief Bureau of Postsecondary Planning The State Education Department 99 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12230 Dear Mr. Connell: I was very happy to see your letter of October 24th with the information about the proposed program in En- vironmental Toxicology at Cornell University. I believe that there is indeed a great unmet need in this area; and that Cornell may have the opportunity to assume a leadership position in an area of advanced scien- tific education which badly requires it. I am delighted to know of this initiative and would give it my strongest personal support. a Yours sincerely, hua Lederberg cc: Dr. Frank H. T. Rhodes President —————— Cornell University