Resources for the Future 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 May 3, 1979 Professor Joshua Lederberg — ee a a aU me SS SORE President The Rockefeller University ELLER 1230 York Avenue cot UNIVE New York, NY 10021 4) MAY 4° 1979 cf ee op y= pC I have enclosed a copy of the draft final report submrered to NSF in accordance with our contract for the project entitled, "The Implications of Potential Resource and Environmental Constraints for Economic Growth.” As you know, I am circulating copies of this report to all members of the Advisory Committee and to the review committee which we established at the February conference. The contract provides only for a 30 day review period. With a report of this size we recognize that it is impossible for you to consider all of it. Dear Dr. Lederberg: The material in Chapter I is a summary of the full report. Chapters II and III provide background material for those readers who were not initially involved so they can be informed of the sequence of events that were undertaken to perform the work. Chapter IV is our attempt to extract from our meetings throughout the project, the commissioned papers, and discussion at the final conference an integrated discussion of the research issues. It is this chapter which we feel would be most benefited from your reactions. Both John and I have appreciated your involvement in the project over the past year and a half and recognize that your time may be especially limited at this time of the year. Thus, if it is not possible for you to provide your reaction to this chapter within the one month that NSF allows we will understand. However, we will be using this material in an introductory essay for an edited volume based on the research and would value your reactions to Chapter IV at any time you have the opportunity. If you have any questions on the materials I have enclosed, please don't hesitate to contact me. With best regards, Sincerely, V. vciry/saacn Senior Fellow VKS/cld Enclosure ~ - 202/462-4400 Cable: Resources ff ; Cay / On ty