525 EAST 68th STREET, NEW YORK, NLY. 10021 THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL-CORNELL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY 4212) 472-6030-— DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY KSY Sooner ELLER WAi Ve D (ocT.17 1980 w October 17, 1980 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. President Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I appreciate the opportunity to present my work on drugs and lupus in the Toxicology Seminar series yesterday and to have your comments about it. The immunologic studies that Bob Lahita and I are doing would be greatly facilitated by our being able to obtain some radioactive procainamide for use in developing radioimmune assays for antibodies to this drug. We would appreciate any help you can give us in obtaining a gift of this material. Incidently, I have had a joint appointment at Rockefeller University ever since I moved to New York in 1975. I have participated in a few of the activities of the University over these years in addition to my research collaborations. I value my association with Rockefeller and view our clinical pharmacology program as one of the successful inter-institu- tional programs that we have at 68th and York. Best personal wishes. Sincerely yours, Marcus M. Reidenberg, M.D. Professor of Pharmacology Professor of Medicine Head, Division of Clinical Pharmacology MMR/ jc