February 9, 1966 Dr. D. M. Roses Dean of Seience The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada Dear Dr. Ross: Concerning Dr. W. E. Raszell, I have such a positive and enthusiastic appre- elation of him that my letter can be a very brief one. I believe he would make a superb head for your Department of Microbiology, and indeed he could qualify for such a position at any major university. He is a superb inves-— tigator, for which you already have considerable objective documentation, and to that I can only add that I know him as a man of the highest ideals and integrity, and one whose goals in life very well coincide with the aspira- tions of your university. I know that his interest in teaching was a major consideration in his leaving an otherwise very comfortable and creative oppor- tunity at the Syntex Institute for Molecular Biology; another among his motives was his sense of responsibility for the development of higher science in Canada. I have an impression, possibly a false one, that Dr. Razzell may find himself somewhat isolated if he accepts this position. However, if you plan an equally aggressive development for the other pertinent departments in biological sciences there should be no basis for this concern. I am sure that in any case you would find Dr. Razzell a very powerful force for continued constructive development of the university. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Geetics {